Was the naked lesbian scene needed?

Why does everyone think that in order to make a good horror movie, there must be nudity? I'm a guy and still found that scene tasteless and not needed. Nudity does not make a crappy movie good by any means.


it was the most kinky thing, hot sexy scene, love it


naked lesbian sex scene? i'm watching this movie...
i guess the scene serves some purpose after all

Forever broken and out of place
The problematic human race


The film sucked, not even lesbians could help.

"Rock is dead! Long live Paper and Scissors!


Throwing a fit over a horror movie with nudity or a sex scene is like throwing a fit over how some guy's murder was too bloody.

Horror and sex/nudity go hand in hand. If you don't like it, pick a new genre.

And I have a right to say that because I am feminist and fight against sexist *beep* all the time but at least I know how to sit down and enjoy a horror movie.

~*You're a feminist. You just don't know it yet.*~


Naked lesbian scenes should be a requirement in all situations. Allow me to suggest some other movies/TV shows that could benefit from naked lesbian sex:

Star Wars
The Wizard of Oz
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
The World Series
The Facts of Life
The Brady Bunch
A Christmas Story
Gone with the Wind
Peter Pan
Snow White
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Forrest Gump

I defy you to argue with any of these choices. Naked lesbian sex will improve them all dramatically...even if it is just a scene inserted right in the middle and completely out of context with the film!

Oh no! We broke Mom's favorite vase playing basketball in the house!
- Darth Vader


You don't like it, because you are a FAG.


lol, no doubt. Straight males do not argue with images of naked women, its that simple. Next thing you know, he'll be bitching because you could see the lead actresses tits when she fell in that water tank thing whilst wearing a white t-shirt. Was it required for the film that the water she fell into be icy cold? No. Was it required for the film that Cerina Vincent spend the entire movie in a tank top that was several sizes too small for her chest size? No. Was it required for the film that many of the camera angles of Cerina Vincent were overhead shots, so as to get a better look down the aforementioned tank top? No. But required or not, these things were included in the film because STRAIGHT guys are attracted to women and do not argue when those women got their white shirts wet or wore tank tops that clearly don't fit. Although, in my opinion, that black tank top fit Cerina Vincent just fine :) The guy is fag, plain and simple. 7 pages of deliberation are not required to see that, heh. I could have told you all that just by reading the first post, lol.

"Do You Read Sutter Cane?"


"Was the naked lesbian scene needed?"

Is there ever a time a naked lesbian scene isn't needed?!?!?

Alright, but in all seriousness? I agree. I'm not that huge on copious amounts of sexuality in my movies, be it by lesbian, gay, or straight couples. I think it was a tacky way of getting a few more people to watch who wouldn't have otherwise bothered.


EVERY film should have a naked lesbian scene. Extra points for that.

Is everyone in this house a total nutzoid or is it just me?


Im so with you, why does everyone thing that there cant be a good film without nudity. it CAN. and there are many proves of that. Infact, serious movies should not have nudity at all, if you want naked tits, go watch porn.


Way back when, it was thought that you could "cure" being gay. So it would no surprise that they would be there. Not to sure if the scene was really needed like that but, whatever.



In my opinion every movie should have every female be nude...every movie. I'll tell you what is gratuitous and unecessary....feeling the neeed to pander to society and go ahead and put clothes on chicks. What kind of crap is that? Unecessary. Why should wardrobe even have been bothered to order a white AND a black tank top. As I stated in a different post, even a film like Wizard of Oz would be greatly enhanced...think about that!

Oh no! We broke Mom's favorite vase playing basketball in the house!
- Darth Vader


What are you talking about? Without lesbians and nudity, you can never have a B horror film.


Wow this is still going. The characters were especially ideal for the lesbian character they were in contact with. It made perfect sense. And again I will state the film did not get worse because of this scene. Horror and sex have been bed buddies for a long time..in books before movies existed. So like others have said this genre is not for you if you have issues with nudity and sex.


Of course it was.
