I didn't think the film was good all the way through, but still rated it an 8, which is very high for me. The reason was because it really did demonstrate what it is like to live with a dog (I won't say own) especially that final scene.
They can frustrate the hell out of you at times, but it truly is unconditional love that you get from them.
And for the people who are scared of losing them, at any moment there are thousands of pets, shut away in rescue centres, yearning for freedom, normality, connection. How terrible to keep them locked up because we can’t get over ourselves. What a very much better option to open our homes – and our hearts – to a new pet. They can never take the place of our previous companion. Nor should we expect them to. But they give us a fresh, other-centred focus, opportunities to practice kindness and compassion – in short, they offer us the gift of happiness.