MovieChat Forums > Flipped (2010) Discussion > 'Republicans fought like crazy against t...

'Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal'

If I had some time on my hands, I think it would be fun to compile a list of all the movies that are billed to be light-hearted and apolitical, but which contain unnecessary and out-of-context digs at Republicans. Nora Ephron's 'Julie and Julia' leaps to mind. Maybe other commenters can help me out with some others.

Not that it's a big deal - just a single throw-away line. But it was just strange to hear a subtle shot at Republicans in a movie that was about as far from a political drama as you can get. Then I realized it was a Rob Reiner movie, and it all made sense.

Some day it would be fun to hear them throw in the line "Democrats fought like crazy against Civil Rights Legislation" - a true statement, incidentally. But I realize that kind of statement would never be allowed in Hollywood.


Yes Republicans fought against the New Deal, because the policies were so STUPID! Roosevelt and his backwards policies took a Recession and turned it into a Depression. He did everything WRONG. The thing that pulled America out of the Depression was WW II.

You know it's things like this that make me HATE Hollywood even thought I love its movies.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


To everyone in this discussion,

this definitely is not directed at any of you, specifically, but I can not believe all of you are going off into this tangent about the Civil Rights Movement, the New Deal, etc., after watching a cute family movie. Are you guys insane? Both sides of the political spectrum posting in this conversation need to step back and take a deep breath. I honestly can't believe Rob Reiner, or most directors of a similar movie, sits back before production and wonders how he can take a dig at either conservatives or liberals. NOT EVERYTHING IN HOLLYWOOD IS POLITICAL!

I am a moderate, and go both ways, depending on the issue, but I can not understand why conservatives see conspiracies in everything nowadays, especially as it relates to movies coming out of Hollywood.

Is Reiner a liberal? No doubt. But, as you can see from many of today's articles, there are lots of famous actors/actresses that are just as conservative as others are liberal. But I get sick of seeing posts on a movie, and it turns into a political discussion. You guys need to chill and not read so much into everything.

Can you watch a cute movie like this without seeing so much political crap in scenes?
