'Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal'
If I had some time on my hands, I think it would be fun to compile a list of all the movies that are billed to be light-hearted and apolitical, but which contain unnecessary and out-of-context digs at Republicans. Nora Ephron's 'Julie and Julia' leaps to mind. Maybe other commenters can help me out with some others.
Not that it's a big deal - just a single throw-away line. But it was just strange to hear a subtle shot at Republicans in a movie that was about as far from a political drama as you can get. Then I realized it was a Rob Reiner movie, and it all made sense.
Some day it would be fun to hear them throw in the line "Democrats fought like crazy against Civil Rights Legislation" - a true statement, incidentally. But I realize that kind of statement would never be allowed in Hollywood.