MovieChat Forums > Flipped (2010) Discussion > 'Republicans fought like crazy against t...

'Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal'

If I had some time on my hands, I think it would be fun to compile a list of all the movies that are billed to be light-hearted and apolitical, but which contain unnecessary and out-of-context digs at Republicans. Nora Ephron's 'Julie and Julia' leaps to mind. Maybe other commenters can help me out with some others.

Not that it's a big deal - just a single throw-away line. But it was just strange to hear a subtle shot at Republicans in a movie that was about as far from a political drama as you can get. Then I realized it was a Rob Reiner movie, and it all made sense.

Some day it would be fun to hear them throw in the line "Democrats fought like crazy against Civil Rights Legislation" - a true statement, incidentally. But I realize that kind of statement would never be allowed in Hollywood.


Great.I thought I was on IMDB,but it turns out Im listening to AM radio.
"1)There is a God,and 2)Im not him."


That was pretty funny. Good one.

Yeah, my rant was excessive - guilty as charged. As a conservative, it sucks to hear little digs at your ideology sprinkled throughout movies that have nothing to do with politics. But whatever - it's just a movie, right?


Sportsfan youa re right about Civil Rights. The Dems seem to CONVENIENTLY forget that. Al Gore's father was such a politician who did. They are only Liberal when it suits then.
As for the New Deal, it was later shown that it did not work just as BHO's have not.


I will forgive meathead for injecting his out of context "WTF?" political jabs into an otherwise well-made movie.


As a conservative, it sucks to hear little digs at your ideology sprinkled throughout movies that have nothing to do with politics. But whatever - it's just a movie, right?

I'm kind of surprised that somebody would feel that way.

As you say, it is a movie... and the writer is simply having the characters state opinions that would have been consistent from their time period and belief system. Whether or not it was consistent with a party's stated platform there are always individuals who themselves vary from that by a bunch - portraying a character with an odd opinion on one subject or another is hardly new.

It adds depths to the characters, and in general a lot of reality.

Seeing some random book that was popular at the time among a certain group helps tie in the fact that they are showing us an era in the past. It's no different than period appropriate attire, vehicles, expressions, etc.

Does the fact that this film was by Rob Reiner perhaps have anything to do with your impression that there were political digs present?


That's odd considering it was Democrats who fought for and passed Civil Rights Legislation. A move which caused all southern racist "Dixiecrats" to switch parties and become Republicans. You're either a typical Republican liar or a typical Republican idiot. Probably both.


That's odd considering it was Democrats who fought for and passed Civil Rights Legislation.
You couldn't be more incorrect. And your ad hominem attacks further demonstrate your ignorance.

"In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes."


"Democrats fiercely defended their right to own slaves."

^This statement is true but meaningless. It's silly that something like that gets under your skin. I do agree that it seemed like a strange thing to slip in though.


"Democrats fiercely defended their right to own slaves."

^This statement is true but meaningless. It's silly that something like that gets under your skin. I do agree that it seemed like a strange thing to slip in though.

remembervhs, where are you getting your (above) quote from? It doesn't appear anywhere in the thread.


"In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes."

The document you are referring to doesn't contain your quote. Is this a joke? First off, it's just a curriculum, and the 'students' are, at best, high school teens. Is this your source? Second, it sounds strange: the "26 major votes after 1933"? Mmm, major versus minor, yesss, as if we could manipulate/say anything about anything. I know what you try to say, and it's true that the Republican vote was important. But let's avoid suggesting that the Republicans are the heroes of the civil rights movement. THAT'S hypocrisy.


The quote is confirmed by Wikipedia:

Three More Years! Rootin for Putin! $17 trillion!


First things first. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Yes, one could get critical, but this is a movie I enjoyed without caring about its imperfections.

sportsfan79, Stick to sports and give up on movies and politics! The "digs", as you call them, were a very real part of our national social history. YOU, as a present day right winger, now choose to view history through different colored glasses and expect there never be reference to what was once the sentiment and is history of a large majority. Maybe we should stop referring to it in books as well?

As to those, "Democrats fought like crazy against Civil Rights Legislation", those "Blue Dog Democrats" are what is now, the backbone of your present day Republican party. If you don't know THAT history, you damned sure know even less about the New Deal era!


blasthoff, give it up. Just admit that I am 100% correct that Democrats fought civil rights legislation, and leave it at that.

'But the REALLY bad Democrats all became Republicans!' You sound like a petulant child. Tell that to Senator Robert Byrd, former Klan member, filibusterer of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and lifelong Democrat.

Moreover, I made no claims about who maintained what party affiliation in later years. I simply stated that early civil right legislation was largely opposed by Democrats. And of course, that statement is entirely factual, and undisputed by any serious historian.


Oh and one more thing. I really don't care to debate the veracity of political statements that are patently obviously true. That's a waste of my time.

The larger point that I am making in my original post is that the "digs" don't have a place in movies that advertise themselves as feel-good, apolitical romps. Average people who aren't hardcore leftists are getting weary of it. I didn't pay to see a treatise on Rob Reiner's political leanings. And if the situation were reversed, and little Fox News soundbytes were sprinkled throughout movies and television, you would of course object. That's hypocrisy.


well its a rob reiner movie - he has to get his digs in at the republican party; i'm an independent voter - middle of the road; i can't stand liberals nor do i car for the far right republicans- to me they both are extremists ... i will say i did NOT vote for Obama but i didn't care for his policies or agree w/them either - he also didn't keep one promise to the ppl who voted for him..YET ppl are still drinking the freaking kool-aid and believe whatever lies come out his mouth... i like Ron Paul a lot but if/when he drops out the race, i will def stand behind romney; no way in hell do we need obama for another 4 years, bc he's only made things worse ... also sick of his apologizing for the united states.. hey obama remember we were the ones who were attacked on our OWN soil so quit apologizing .... i don't watch movies bc of politics i watch bc of the story being told on screen.


Reading posts from independents like yourself gives me hope for the upcoming election.

well its a rob reiner movie - he has to get his digs in at the republican party
This is a pretty reasonable view. But the thing is that many moderate conservatives and republicans are getting really tired of the constant barrage of liberal bias coming from Hollywood, especially when it is injected into movies that don't advertise themselves as political. So what you're saying is that if people don't want to experience that garbage, we need to identify the hard-leftist writers, producers, directors, actors, and avoid their movies altogether. People like Reiner, Sean Penn, etc. You may have a good point.

Too bad there isn't some sort of website that could just tell you at a glance if a movie is laced with conservative jabs so people could know in advance to skip it. Maybe that's a good idea for a new website!


Movie McCarthyism, anyone?

I've seen this movie three times and never noticed anything political about it. Didn't even notice the scene in question. Maybe that it is because I am the least political person there is...? Or I just identify with something completely different when it comes to politics. I don't indentify with either parties, especially, the Nazi party, er, umm, I mean the right...Dig it?

Seriously speaking. Both parties - all parties! - should stop with the delusions of granduer and just admit that there is room enough for everyone. Or that everyone is created equal. Isn't that what it's all about? But if one party wins then the other party fails and has to live in repression/oppression from the other party. It's ridiculous! Stop the fighting, just as this movie suggests. Shoot, I guess it was political after all!

PS I loved this movie!!!


A lot of bile in the responses from leftists here.


I agree with you. I'm so sick of everything turning into a damn political debate.



I don't understand what was political about Flipped. I began reading this before I watched the movie. I watched it. Now I'm back at this friggin' thread wondering what he was talking about. You're the most recent poster on the thread. Can you explain this to me?


I'm the OP, and I'll answer your question.

You are correct that 'Flipped' is not really a political movie. The post is not about the movie as a whole, just about a single throw-away line in the dinner scene, which talks about Republicans and the New Deal.

So the larger issue is that since most of Hollywood is very leftist politically, there are many instances of minor insults toward conservatives and republicans sprinkled throughout movies and television programs which advertise themselves as having nothing to do with politics. Another recent example is the movie 'Julie and Julia'.


'Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal'

It's false or true that the republicans were against the New Deal?


The lefties are getting pretty crazy these days. I've noticed that in a lot of movies/TV shows rather than take obvious attacks at republicans or anyone with conservative/libertarian views they use characters who seem morally balanced to voice opinions very subtly as if they were giving someone the time of day. This way they can turn something innocent into something political guilt-free. Which may be a good thing. I have a feeling liberal America and conservative America will die and we will meet in the middle as constitutionalists who are socially liberal. Liberalism can only last so long in a free just won't work, the country was built for it not to work.


That snide aside was obvious to me, too. How about "Is she a Republican?" in Nora Ephron's You've Got Mail?
