The bedroom sex scene

The bedroom scene with the neighbors really creeped me out - they were either having consensual relations or they were raping her - but either way it was just gross and disturbing. Like they were attacking this poor girl.


"because women are too old to be sexually appealing"

What is this I don't even..
That whole paragraph you wrote Rambo was probably the most disturbing thing I've ever read on this site. You have serious mental issues.


Just because it was a historical happening for girls to be married at thirteen doesn't mean that it was or is right. This is also viewed so horribly because of the manner in which the sex in this movie took place. Alice looked drugged, she was crying, and it was with a grown, married couple. You certainly cannot believe that girls in middle school do this, or that they easily engage in sex as you assume. This couple was taking advantage of her to feed their own wants. If it had not been such a bad thing, then why did leave so quickly? And even if there were a line of people who'd want to have sex with Alice, it doesn't mean that she'd want to have sex with them.

"Whether she's 13, 16, or 19"? Wow, thirteen? With people who think you, it's a great thing that these laws are in place then. What thirteen year old is fully capable enough to decide having sex? Thirteen-year-olds shouldn't even be confronted to have to make that decision in the first place, especially by much older people. "Why do you think so many porn sites are adevrtising 'Hot sexy young TEENS', or GIRLS, because women are too old to be sexually appealing." It's not that women are not sexually appealing, it's because there are some messed up people in this world who think that women are not sexually attractive and would rather have sex with a minor.


So very taboo. Is it wrong that I lost my virginity at 14 to a woman much older than me? Did she take advantage of me by praying on my immaturity? Looking back, probably. Do I regret it? No. Am I mentally damaged by it? No. Should each individual's experience be judged on the circumstances? Yes. But does it even matter in my case because I'm a male and I don't bleed during first intercourse from penetration of the vaginal wall, therefore lessening society's general opinion, whether or not it effected my mental growth? Do primates hold the same strict views of something evolution gave us to enjoy? Doubtful.

The irony is that if intergenerational sex between biologically physically active partners was common place, society by definition wouldn't hold the same stigma over such a trivial issue, and would therefore lose its appeal to sexual predators. The concept sounds grotesque to our learned ways, but having consensual sex with what we currently determine as a 'minor', would be no different than playing catch or eating ice-cream, so long as the experience was pleasurable for both partners. Of course, that wouldn't be acceptable in our world, and is frowned upon for obvious reasons, one being the obvious psychological damage. However, those reasons are the very fabric that shape our society, hence the natural reaction to point fingers in the first place.

Should I feel shame that my ex was 18 and I was 32? Should I be concerned that I'm now 35 and my current partner is 43? Where exactly does the generational gap stop and start? Should I care?

Also, just a thought, you might want to try not missing entire words next time if you want your post to be more effective.



regardless of how old the age of consent is, a 16-year-old girl is incapable of having consensual intercourse with an adult couple, no matter what the circumstances are. there are no exceptions to this.

that aside, how can anyone seriously argue that this act in particular was consensual when it was the trigger that led to alice's mental breakdown? this point is not open to interpretation. the diary entry alone -- where she wrote about how dirty she felt and that not even her parents could help her -- proves she was raped.

a quick question: i may have missed it, but was it explained how the neighbor couldn't find the tape but her family could?


I don't agree that the rape lead to her mental breakdown. She was very happy apparently until the trip to Lake Mungo where she saw what she did then buried the evidence of it. The knowledge of her impending death was what made her have a breakdown, but even then her family were oblivious.

The whole point of the rape scene and many other aspects of the film is to show that she was a totally different person to what her family knew. Even in death they didn't really know her, as when they leave she is left behind. They never "saw" the real Alice and it is really sad because it makes the whole thing more tragic.



I just finished watching this film.

Her own father says they probably couldn't press charges even if they found the Toohey's as the video shows "it was clearly consensual".

Her own father states in certain terms that this clearly wasn't rape.
It's safe to assume he saw more of the video than we did, and he clearly has a motivation to view it in the most biased light imaginable. If he can't see rape, it just isn't there.

I think the whole point of the scene is to illustrate how little anyone actually knew her, including her family, boyfriend, or the other girls she associated with.

Everything else being discussed seems like projection of personal morals.

Also, regarding legal age of consent, 13 is not some distant historic number, it's still younger than that in several countries today. In the majority of the world, it's between 14 & 16. Of course, in a few spots it's actually 21, or not related to age at all (must be married)! In quite a few nations, the age varies if the relationship is homosexual.


You hit the nail on the head with your comment, "...the whole point of the scene is to illustrate how little anyone actually knew her....Everything else being discussed seems like projection of personal morals." The age of consent comments are interesting, but irrelevant, since this movie is a work of art, and the rape scene is a plot device to add texture and color to the film.


See, I got the feeling that part of the reason she had sex with the neighbors was because she was freaked out by what she saw at the lake, and couldn't really process it, and she was acting out in a way to try to deal with it, or thought maybe it would make her feel something, considering she thought/knew she was going to die. Call it strange, but feeling compelled to have sex after having an experience with death (someone you knew, or a near death yourself) is fairly normal according to many psychologists.

For the coward there is no life, for the Hero there is no death"
Kakita Family Moto


"Alice kept secrets.She kept the fact that she kept secrets a secret."

Except for Tazmania and South Australia (17), the other Australian states are 16, except under certain circumstances.

When there is no more room in Hell, The Devil will reapply to the Zoning Commission.


So you are a child molester huh?

My Movies/TV/Sports Site


I think I saw Rambo864 on dateline nbc being interviewed by Chris Hanson
