MovieChat Forums > Lake Mungo (2010) Discussion > Something that really bothered me...

Something that really bothered me...

The movie was pretty interesting, telling us a story in a different way (as a documentary) with some pretty good twists, but there was something that really bothered me.
Everytime the family stated to see a video to find something weird they could see the most tiny detail of everything (even though the quality of the video was poor).
When they discover the neighbor in Alice's room... I mean come on! You can barely see a face there!
And than they saw the cellphone video (with the crappiest quality ever) and they discover ALICE BURYING something!


I jus watched this at the cinema at afterdark and it all worked ok for me. Are you watching on a computer or something ?


I watched in my tv plasma


I watched it in a laptop, seems have same experience with TS.
Guess we need bigger screen :)


lol. I totally agree OP with the burying video. and then they'd zoom in on the stills and it would be even more pixellated....Only God Will Judge Me.All things are possible.Evan Rachel Wood is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


It doesnt matter if you watched the movie at a movie theater, the point is, real life cell videos suck, yet the family can zoom in and see lots of details. she also did the same with the son's camera, she zoomed in and saw her neighbour's face in a low quality video tape shot at night... come on.... I didnt buy that part...
I also don't understand what was alice doing walking in the desert in the middle of the night shooting everything on her cellphone, what was the point? not to mention the fact that cell videos suck big time, and they probably sucked even more "back in 2005"


I could definitely see how this might not translate well on a smaller screen. I didn't get to see it at the theater unfortunately but my TV is 48" HD and most of these scenes were a bit muddled, but you could tell what was going on well enough.


I AGREE 100%. It was all such a stretch.

The anonymity of the internet has only made us meaner and dumber.


One conclusion I drew from the movie was this: all the paranormal activity might have been missed if not for a neighbor breaking into the house, searching for incriminating evidence. The grieving family misreads the knowing intruder's noises as being supernatural. The son sets up cameras and exploits the opportunity to fake a few ghostly visions of his sister; he does this to inspire his father to exhume her dead body and put his mother's mind at rest. All the surveillance gives the family an opportunity to spot a real specter.

I imagine that the neighbor's urgency had him looking day and night for the tape. His familiarity with the Palmers and their home probably incentivized him to risk searching while they were asleep. I get the feeling that this neighborhood in Australia is also a little more open and familiar, and that breaking into people's homes isn't terribly difficult (June did it in a daze).

This is not a typical story about a typical family. I suspect that the son is mildly autistic, but that the "documentary" respects his privacy on this matter. Alice's sexual experimentation is not dwelt upon -- we are given brief glimpses into her private life but, again, the "documentarians" respect the family's privacy -- the Palmers are given room to present their daughter primarily as they knew her. The mother, June, is a nervous person who might have a latent disorder that emerged in grief, causing her to invade her neighbors' homes. The father keeps his emotions from his family and colleague. This gives us an environment where people do obsessive things that, in this case, yield unusual results.

We might have ghosts around us, but most of us aren't driven to videotape several rooms 24/7, and then scour the tapes for clues. LAKE MUNGO provides a compelling environment in which I can believe that the supernatural is captured on film.


Wait "June did it in a daze?" What part was that? I must have totally missed it.

The anonymity of the internet has only made us meaner and dumber.


Wait "June did it in a daze?" What part was that? I must have totally missed it.

it was in the beginning of the film. June, the mother of Alice, couldn't sleep at nights and wandered around the neighborhood at night and went into other peoples' houses at night, to "get a sense of what it was like to be someone else", or something along those lines, can't remember exactly what she said. just watch the beginning of the film, it is mentioned within the first 15 minutes of the movie.


Best explanation of the series of events. Thank you!


That was an excellent overview Roger.


Damnit. I somehow completely didn't connect the dots with the strange sounds in the house and it being neighbor. Damn, very clever how once it discovered the neighbor was inside, the family stumbled across actual ghostly happenings.


Lake Mungo had a score.

Lake Mungo was scored by Dai Patterson and Fernando Corona.



it was eerily silent in the background music department.

I think that was the point...


Either there are two versions of this film or your hearing is shot. The soundtrack was impressively creepy, I could barely stand to listen to it. It was a fine line between being intrusive and driving the images into surreal disorder. I think, paradoxically, it works, but at the cost of me wishing it would stop. Regardless, the score is there most of the time. As for buying it...people bought the soundtrack of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a large portion of which is György Ligeti's surreal score. I mention this because to my ear this is an obvious musical influence.



actually the first thing I saw in the video where "alice" is walking through the shot was someone sitting in her room, so I wouldn't say it was far fetched for them to have seen it. however, the burying thing I never would have known if they hadn't of said what she was doing.


They have like... really good eyes


The seeing Alice burying something point I'll agree with, but actually I noticed the neighbor's face immediately the first time they showed that footage, before you were even supposed to know he was there. When they showed the person walking through the room I figured my mind was just imagining things, creating faces where there were none; later on when I found out I actually had it right I was like, "Haha! Score one for me!"


i did the same thing! haha. it happened again in another shot too i think, seeing the wrong plot device first XD. but i did enjoy the way they did it, rather than obscuring it hte first time around.


The person walking through the room looked like someone wearing a gorilla mask.


At least they didn't go the other route like cop dramas and use mystery tech to somehow add pixels and clear up super zoomed images!


I know this was two years ago but I have to reply.

They were searching really hard; probably searching to see anything for hours. This is their daughter who died and they want to know what happened so they would do anything to find anything out about her.
