I envy the people that get scared by movies like this. For me this was a complete waste of time, and when I read some people saying "this is the scariest movie I've ever seen" I genuinely wonder what the hell is going on.
I realize that I've probably become immune to getting scared by movies. I can get creeped out, I guess, but ghost stories never seem to do the trick. Probably because I know ghosts don't exist.
Anyway, I wonder if there are any REAL scary movies out there that have flown under my radar, any honest suggestions will be appreciated. But please, don't mention anything like "Paranormal Activity", "Insidious" or "Saw". These movies ARE NOT scary, at all. Also, I hate cheap jump scares, for me they're anti-original substitutes for actual content. Are there any scary/creepy movies out there? Or has the intarweb immunized me? I'm definitely starting to give up.
Also neither scary nor brutal but very good horror with some justified gore and awesome ending is Martyrs original version http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1029234/
I'm a little late to the party, but hey - I think I might be having the same problem, but I must admit I found Lake Mungo to be disturbing and chilling. I found the atmosphere very creepy. It felt real to me. The thing about the ghost stories for me is not about believability (probably ghosts do not exist - it has never been proven, but to our best knowledge they don't) but about the atmosphere. That's why I liked Lake Mungo.
But... to be honest - I also always rationalize everything so the movies - even if they scare me atm - afterwards they make me feel almost nothing (or to put it better - the feeling of fear, disgust etc. almost never stay with me after watching the movie). There is one movie though that made me feel soooooooo uncomfortable that I kept thinking about it even after watching it for MONTHS. Nothing supernatural - just crazy crazy human nature which, for me, is the scariest thing. I'm talking about In a Glass Cage (Tras el cristal - a Spanish movie) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090197/?ref_=nv_sr_1 .
I don't know, maybe this one does it for you. Hopefully.
Dude, try and watch Megan Is Missing, Noroi: The Curse, Creep, The Poughkeepsie Tapes, The Den and Atrocious. (I'll rate 'em based on the scariness that I felt.)
Megan Is Missing: It's a good murder movie, well not entirely good but there are some genuinely creepy moments in that movie that will make your skin crawls through the thin air. (94/100)
Noroi The Curse: It's a slow-burn story, a very slow-burn but don't leave every detail into that a pile of rubbish. Instead, you should collect them and give it a chance because that you will be using the information in the last 30 minutes. (77/100)
Creep: This one's got a lot of jump scares. It's cheap but it becomes a necessity for the movie. And it's funny too, but there are times you can get scared if you're completely alone with a weird happy-go-lucky stranger. (76/100)
The Poughkeepsie Tapes: A documentary telling a story about the identities of murders and it is just so damn realistic. Make sure to lock your doors before you watch the movie especially considering if you have a big house. You'll have the chill if you hear noise or voice downstairs when you're actually supposed to be alone. (87/100)
The Den: A bit of Unfriended but this one is realistic. Stays true to the horror theme and will keep you watching until the end because it's entertaining and yeah, creepy in the sense of way if you think that you're in the victim's shoes (84/100)
Atrocious: This one is a bit weak but the scariness factor consumes me. Don't glue inside your head that this is going to be a ghost movie because it's not. Be patient and the last 20 minutes is worth watching. (86/100)
Murder movies are entirely much creepier than ghost movies.
I'll have to check out your list Tom Holland as I'd literally only seen Creep.
And tbh, Creep by the Duplass brother's wasn't scary AT ALL imo. You can see the ending coming within the first 5 mins. And there's only two scenes which are A BIT freaky (bath scene, and the mask scene). If you'd name-checked the superior British film Creep made in 2004 by the talented horror director Christopher Smith then I'd have agreed more as that at least had SOME genuine jumps and shocks even if it does rip off Death Tunnel shamelessly. If you've not seen the 2004 Creep and Death Tunnel with Donald Pleasance then definitely check them out.
I haven't been scared by a movie in years. In order for it to remotely happen I have to watch in the basement (the unfinished part) when I am home alone with the windows slightly open and all the lights out. Or something ridiculous like that.