Its simple, this is a fatal 4 way showdown between 4 modern horror movies that a lot of people keep talking about and are saying good things about them, so which one of these four would you add to your collection?
Hey brothers and sisters, I finally saw MARTYRS for myself and posted a comment on IMDB but I'll tell you its something else, and believe it or not I find it difficult to recommend the film to other people especially other horror fans, even though they are used to films like SAW & HOSTEL but like I said this is something else.
MARTYRS is worth a repeat viewing - but only after a short period, say two or three does justice to itself with a second viewing and slight anomalies become answered. Perhaps that is why the final image is so haunting.
Frontiere(s) is completely derivative. Inside is a surprisingly good horror/thriller. Martyrs is remarkable and I would say is the "must see" of the list.
seen all of them save eden lake. INSIDE was the best of the lot, easy. it just felt no-holds-barred from start to finish, and had some clever things going on symbolically and visually. the first half of martyrs was just as brutal, but then.... it fell off. i didn't really think the whole martyrs thing worked at all. i didn't buy it for a second. the continual beatings seemed not just boring and monotonous, but gratuitous. the skinning seemed more like the SFX crew showing off, ooo! look what we can do!!! we're as good as americans!, but who cares? what's more, the payoff was complete crap too. i HATE movies that, in lieu of any concrete idea resort to opticals, a la 2001. ooooooh. pretty colors. super dumb. the fact of the matter is it simply doesn't hold together with the first half of the movie. frontier(s) to my mind doesn't even belong in the same breath as martyrs or inside. it's stock torture-porn horror. nothing new, nothing interesting, save what it's saying about trying to escape fascism. otherwise, yawn. at least, martyrs had it's first half going for it.
Well Martyrs is my pick of them all, it was one of the first movies i've ever watched and just had to go 'wow' afterwards and take a second. Inside is a close second, then Eden Lake with Frontiers last. Frontiers was very good, nothing stood out for me in that movie though.
Well, I finally got around to buying INSIDE yesterday and sat down, eager to watch.....
I can quite honestly say that the ending made me truly squirm....but this film is as impressive as MARTYRS, even though it is giving a different message towards the end. MARTYRS would still edge it for me but INSIDE comes second.
I may not be able to handle a large pair of scissors ever again!
Haven't seen eden lake yet, but martyrs gets my vote out of the other three by far! Inside would come second, i didn't think frontiers was that good to be honest...
Inside executes its premise almost perfectly, aside from some wrong notes towards the end. But Martyrs has a bigger ambition, and even though it hits some sour notes it's a much more interesting film because it gives its "torture porn" a proper context for discussion.
I haven't seen Eden Lake, but Frontiers it just awful.
Martyrs is one of the best horror films of the decade, Eden lake is also one of the strongest of the decade but Frontiers was just ordinary and average.
Seems MARTYRS is certainly a winner on this post, I'm going to see INSIDE in December, because thats when my DVD copy arrives then I'll give an opinion about it, I'll probably see EDEN LAKE sometime next year, with so many movies I want to see it will just have to wait in line.