Martyrs all the way. No contest. The others you mentioned can't top it. It is truly good filmmaking, and one of the best films I seen. So glad that a film of its caliber belongs to the horror genre as well.
Inside was seriously good horror. Very intense stuff. Graphic, wicked, roaring meeeeeeeeeeaness!! Brilliant! #2.
Frontier(s) was actually good. More like extreme violence paired with heavy action. Story was alright. Derivative, yes, but with a added freshness... was it because it was a French production? Maybe? Overall, a satisfying piece that delivers. #3
Eden Lake played out more like a high suspense, drama type movie, with both kids and adults. Not really my cup of tea, but it was interesting. Even though "Ils" was in the similar vein as this and was considerably less violent, I found it much creepier and engaging.