Precisely - most people will not endure all that comes before the last ten minutes or so. When the reasoning - as deluded as it may be - for the insistent torture and force-feeding, the decimation if you will of the human spirit, that brings the imprisoned to that point, becomes apparent - at that moment you are as numb as the victim, the core of your very being drained.......then that wide-eyed, pacified expression crosses her face. And you know, you just know, that she has become so much more, more than a victim, more free than her captors ever thought she would be.
Of course sometimes in seeking an answer, you discover a truth you did not search for.....
Even writing this it has sent a chill through me and brought a tear to my eye.
How this film can move people after repulsing them, to twist it unlike any other film, qualifies MARTYRS as a cinematic gem.