I agree that it is perplexing but then again I think it shows the level of dispair and suffering these people go through, because no one would go to such extremes if the situation wasn't dire.
Before talking about transgenders: I have a masssive bone to pick with this movie. Einer was not transgender , he/she was intersex which has NOTHING to do with being transgender. Intersex people are born with biological quantifiable differences, ambiguous genitalia and/or mismatched genitalia (eg male +female genitalia), chromosome profiles that are not gender normative (xxy instead of xx or xy, or other combinations), quantifiable hormonal issues, etc. Bottomline, their issue is biological, some things we know how to counter balance these days, others we still don"t. Either way the individual just knows whether they are male or female once they grow up and everyone is clear as to why they can look different: it's biological.
Now transgenders are a whole other issue because they have no quantifiable biological issues to speak of: no hormonal issues, no chromosome issues, perfectly normal genitalia for their chromosome profiles, basically their is nothing bioogically wrong with them. However they feel they are born in the wrong body.
As these feelings have so far no biological basis ,they lend themselves to culture wars between those who think it's a mental illness/syndrome and those who think it's some kind of non currently quantifiable biological issue. This is a completely different issue from the intersex folks and one should not be construed with the other.
When it comes to transgendered people, I am, like you, not sure that surgery and/or hormones is the answer. Looking at the various youtube diaries these folks have, none seem to really ever be happy with what they are. They obsess about their body features just like anorexics do. Even once they've gone through all the operations and are on hormones and more or less look like the opposite gender (depending on the person) it only seems to partially alleviate their disphoria...if they could accept themselves as they are they would certainly be happier (and in less debt! Those medical professional s are really taking advantage of these folks despair to line their pockets!).