No Trans Actors?

I feel like lots of people overlook this, but if this movie is about a Trans woman, then shouldn't she be played by a Trans woman? This also applies to that Elle Fanning Trans movie, and even Transparent (even that show does have other Trans actors on its cast). I mean, I'm sure that there are Trans actors in Hollywood who would do just as good a job. Am I the only one who thinks this?


Hooper also said that the production had reached out to the trans acting communities in the cities where they shot – London, Brussels and Copenhagen – and ended up casting “40 or 50 trans supporting artists”. He said: “I’m pleased we achieved what we did, but I’m sure there’s more to do.”
read more at:



To me, even after all of these months, and since the movie has came out, I still haven't changed my opinion about trans-actresses being considered for trans-role. People keep bring up "being gay" as a criteria, but the thing is gay actors in general, as well as straight actors are not marginalized in Hollywood." Trans-women are marginalized in society, as well as entertainment. Producers don't mind casting a trans-woman in a horribly stereotypical or gross role, but the same actress could be very capable of taking on a very weighty role for a trans-female character or female character.

I feel the same way when it comes to roles based on race, sex, and even things such as ableism. Someone said that "why do you need an actual person who is disabled to play the role of a disabled person?" Again, I notice how alot of comments are glossing over the fact that there are many disabled actors/actresses who love to be a prominent character in a TV series, play, or movie. But, again, because of ableist politics and ableism in America. We tend to disregard that these people are trying to find work and should be the stars or have significant role in the something that personally affects them. People always say that the person that can do the best job should get the job. Ideally, I'd agree, but considering there's so much backstage politics and boardroom favoritism that goes on...I really don't think that's an end-game for a movie role. From what I've seen in alot of roles, like real jobs in Corporate America or the average business is people pick who they like, anyway. Does it really matter if the best person gets the job or not?

You know what ....F#CK the OScars, I never like those overrated *beep* award shows-self congratulatory let's pick our favorite person "fraud" award shows, anyway.


This is because feminists actually hate trans people. They will endlessly talk about them, how they are "oppressed" and "victimized" etc. but at the end of the day most trans women still have a penis; they are not considered "real women" by feminists. According to feminists, trans women are "oppressed" for being trans and for becoming a woman, but they had been "men" once, so they have the unerasable "original sin" of being a man and they can never "fully experience" the "real oppression" that born-women have etc.

If you want to hear an insider's perspective on how hatefully, for example, campus feminists treat trans women simply for disagreeing with them, check out Theryn Meyer and Blaire White on Youtube. They speak about their experiences:

Theryn Meyer

Blaire White:


Go stir *beep* elsewhere. I can see through your divide and conquer tactics.


Give me a list of trans actresses would could play the part and get the film financed. And then we'll talk.


Give me a list of trans actresses would could play the part and get the film financed. And then we'll talk.

With that attitude, Hollywood would be all-White, almost entirely heterosexual or hetero-leaning, and endless nepotism.


No. ... It's a story about a man, so that role was played ... by a man. How is this confusing?


the script was given to to eddie redmayne while he was filming 'les miserables' because tom hooper directed that film and this. tom hooper wanted him for this film, he got him for this film. this movie has been bounced around hollywood for many many years, as was 'dallas buyers club', probably longer than when it was socially acceptable to come out as trans. THAT'S why it was played by a straight man. oh, and also because it's called ACTING.


By your logic Trans actors can never be cast to normal roles...


By your logic Trans actors can never be cast to normal roles...

But in reality, are they cast in such roles to begin with? How many trans actors/actresses are given a realistic shot in a "so-called" normal role.


I hear this silliness on IMDB all the time....that only 'trans' actors should portray trans roles. I even heard that ridiculous argument after Andrew Garfield starred in the Arcade Fire video "We Exist", when it was said by some that it should have been a "real" trans in the role instead of him.

By this ridiculous logic, only those with REAL disabilities should play those with disabilities. I guess Ron Kovic in "Born of the 4th of July" should have been played by someone who was REALLY paralyzed, huh? That way, it's "authentic", right? Perhaps we should have serial killers played by REAL serial killers too.

Bottom line- great actors/actresses are great. And Eddie Redmayne is a great actor.

Get over it.

"Farewell Good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world."



The way I saw it, Lily felt alone in the world and didn't have any other people like her anywhere. And since you movie is about the transformation, they kinda had to start with a male actor.

But I get what you're saying. It bothers me that 99% of the time LGBT roles are cast with heterosexual actors who already have a wealth of opportunity. And you can't tell me (with a straight face) that 99% of the time a heterosexual cisgender actor was "the best choice for the role", as is often claimed on these boards that that's the goal.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


And you can't tell me (with a straight face) that 99% of the time a heterosexual cisgender actor was "the best choice for the role", as is often claimed on these boards that that's the goal.

Have you ever thought that perhaps a real transgendered person who auditioned was not good enough of an actor/actress to take the role? Just because someone is transgender doesn't mean they "deserve" the role. I thought Redmayne was fantastic in the role. I can't imagine anyone else playing Einar.

"Farewell Good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world."


Yeah he was great. It's just when look at LGBT roles in films collectively, it his highly improbable that with 99% of the roles an LGBT person "auditioned and was not good enough"--not referring to this film specifically.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


it his highly improbable that with 99% of the roles an LGBT person "auditioned and was not good enough"

I don't know....I don't have enough information about the industry to say yes or no to that for sure. I'm just saying, the notion that an LGBT/trans person is "always" good enough to earn the role is false thinking.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


I don't know....I don't have enough information about the industry to say yes or no to that for sure. I'm just saying, the notion that an LGBT/trans person is "always" good enough to earn the role is false thinking.

No one is saying that at all, but it is distasteful to that when LGBT actresses/actors are not getting the same shot at being successful or given the opportunity to shine.

My other problem is "this lack" of insight from most of the people on the board, who do not realize that Hollywood is inundated with roles where "men are in dresses." A common trope. Men of all shapes, color, and sizes are in dresses for laughs or are playing some type of psycho ... that's been common for years.

I've found the roles of trans-women to be much more respectful, if they are played by cis-women or trans-women.

Besides, this movie was one of those "self-absorbed," "artsy-fartsy" film that no one cares about.


Oh the movie makers were originally going to use transexuals for this movie, but they found that they had already killed themselves, so they had to go with others.


What is this IMDB thing "why no real this or that"?
Should trans characters only be played by trans actors? Is that an exclusive thing closed to non trans people?
What next, should only English people play English characters? Should only professional athletes portray athletes? Should only real pirates portray pirates?
I'm surprised you didn't ask "Why No Danish Actors"?

It's about finding the right actor for the role, regarding anything else. That actor's job is then to convey that character's emotions and feelings.
