No Trans Actors?

I feel like lots of people overlook this, but if this movie is about a Trans woman, then shouldn't she be played by a Trans woman? This also applies to that Elle Fanning Trans movie, and even Transparent (even that show does have other Trans actors on its cast). I mean, I'm sure that there are Trans actors in Hollywood who would do just as good a job. Am I the only one who thinks this?


Well no... they get "white" American's to play Brits, They get non Italians and Irish to play Italians and Irish all the time. They had a non American playing MLK in Selma and nobody seemed to loose their *beep* over that. Of course society in the US just seems to think white is white and black is black and so we are all interchangeable, no matter what our origins are. LOL!.

But why are transsexuals so special?

My crazy mother suggested you get the person who can play the part even if it is a white dude playing MLK or a Norwegian playing a Chinese detective. Now she is bat *beep* wacko soooo I disagree with her.

But straight actors have played gays and gays have played straights so I don;t understand the special snowflake mentality. Though ironically and MAYBE hypocritically on my part I am annoyed that in the Rocky Horror remake they got a transsexual to play a transvestite like people don't know the damn difference. But then I am a transvestite so I kind get annoyed when we get erased from popular culture for some social agenda.


He. It's a he.


No, the movie is about self-discovery and a man's transition. Not many trans actresses can be modified yet again to go back to the way they were before surgery. They needed a male actor for the role, not someone who had already transitioned. That's what the story is about.


parts are played by actors irrespective of gender, race or orientation.

Favorite films so far this year:
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - 9/10
Birdman (2014) - 9/10


I think you're missing a fundamental concept here called "acting".


Name ten trans actors better than Redmayne? Also if a character in a film wears glasses, do you think it's irresponsible if they cast an actor with good eyesight over an actor who actually wears glasses?

It's called acting, darling.


Sean Penn, Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Rooney Mara, Cate Blanchett, Jake Gyllenhaal. All played gay characters and none of them is gay. It is called acting. In this case the movie is about a man that wants to become a woman, a male actor can do that. You don't cast for this role trans people just because they are trans, it's not like there's a big community in Hollywood and all big actors are trans. Plus, it doesn't matter, it's acting, actors are made to get in characters.

Feel your heart beat.


'Cause the movie starts off when he's a male married to a female who's just figuring out his way in life, and that he is really a her.

Makes total sense to me!

Also I believe they cast him, 'cause he's a pretty boy ;-)

~ Janice Marie Foote @ ~
