MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Anybody else think that Mike and Fi shou...

Anybody else think that Mike and Fi should have actually died together

i was convinced that james took them in the blast, it would have been a perfect creative ending. both mike and fi have been through so much and they die together side by side, it would have been a much better ending in my opinion. i still liked the ending, but i just feel that mike and fi dying together in the explosion would have been perfect. does anybody else agree or am i the only one?


Heck no....after 7 seasons of watching the On Again/off again romance between Mike and not have them live happily ever after would have been just plain absolutely WRONG!!!!!


My respect for the show climbed a few notches when I thought they had killed them off. Then it went right back to the mediocre standard it has fallen to of late.

I used to love Fi. They made me hate her by the show's end.


You want to know what I think? I think it would have been nice *NOT* to include spoilers in the topic line. I came here because I was looking up an actor who played a part in an episode (was working my way through season 6), only to glance down and see this spoiler right at the top of the topics listing at the bottom of the page. When I finally got to the finale, it wasn't a surprise because someone decided to spoil it. Thank you very much. Not everyone can watch the episodes when they air.


I completely agree. If you do a new topic post maybe future posters won't do it, and ruin it for people yet to finish the series. Considering the lack of activity here now, your thread would stay visible, on top.


Even though I agree, I expect that you won't patrol threads of shows that you are behind on. It stands to reason you will see something in a topic you didn't want to see. If you somehow didn't have this clue before, you do now. Don't expect it to be different in the future.


I apologize, but this is the burn notice board. you should know that spoilers are going to be in the subject and body, you should expect that. when you search for answers, you will also find answers and responses to other parts of the show that may spoil the show.


(Off-topic, but related to spoilers)

Back in Hulu's heyday, when Hulu had real forums (instead of stupid Facebook comment blocks) on their show pages, they had a nice feature by which we could report spoilers on any post. After people marked a post as having spoilers, then Hulu's system would mask that post behind a spoiler warning for everyone. That was a helpful feature, although stupidly incomplete in a couple of ways (there was no way to opt-out of it, and worse, it actually failed to mask the thread titles)...

I wonder if anyone has suggested a similar idea to IMDb. If properly implemented without stupid design mistakes, it could be a really helpful feature for those who want to avoid spoilers.


I would of liked it if they took over the organization, changed its philosophy, and used it to keep helping people throughout the world with all the resources they would have and keep the gang together getting justice for the people who needed it.


Let's remember we're dealing with screen writers, and just like Michael and Fiona, they want to "live to die another day." Can you not imagine a continuation of the series, or a movie, where the plot line starts with Sam and/or Jesse in trouble in some third-world country? Something so dire it would lure Michael and Fiona from the shadows to save their pals? I'm IN!


No, I wish she'd died in season, 2 or 3, or 1.


If Michael (and Fiona) had died then Madeline's death would have been for nothing. She died to save her son, so it makes sense he would live.

I think the whole series was about Michael finding out who burned him, why, getting back into the CIA, and living his life. He did the first three things, and then broke free and was able to do the last one in the finale, IMO.


That sums it up perfectly, to me anyway. I believe it ended neatly, and while I would've liked to find out that Maddie survived, her sacrifice would've been for naught had Mike & Fi died, therefore they got the 'happily ever after' wrap-up.

wait for iiiiit...
