Your favorite season

Without spoilers, what was your favorite season of Burn Notice? I'm almost halfway through season 4 right now and I've got to say my favorite is probably season 3 right now. Season 4 being my least favorite so far


It is on there and here as well , the video.. I totally agree with Games of Thrones. Maybe it was all the hype, but just could not get into it at all. I was thinking Agents of Shield looks good. May go with that since it is current too. One of my good friends loves The Walking Dead and she talks about it all the time. I may try the first season just to see.
Burn Notice was my first watching an entire series on Netflix. I liked that I could watch whenever, but boy can you get sucked in. LOL.


Oh cool, I'll definitely check it out then. I love watching interviews with the cast of shows I watch. It's nice getting input from the actors on the characters they play, etc. With regards to GOT, I'd probably go as far to say it's one of the most overrated TV show ive ever seen. I could just not get connected to any of the characters or the story at all. The Walking Dead is my favorite show, with Burn Notice being number 2 right now. There's something great about binging a show, but also watching weekly is nice too for different reasons. Agents of Shield is a pretty good show, I enjoy it. The first half season was ok but then it really picks up after that. It's really great now imo. I'm a couple episodes behind though atm


Prison Break is a pretty good show too. I loved it. The first 2 seasons were amazing and then 3 and 4 are ok. My top 5 TV shows right now are probably

1. The Walking Dead
2. Burn Notice
3. Daredevil
4. Prison Break
5. Jessica Jones

Another good one that I watched recently, Stranger Things. But if you're not into horror you most likely won't like that one. It's scarier than TWD imo


I agree I love watching interviews with the actors of shows I enjoy. But with this show ending almost 3 years ago hatd to find any. Really would have liked to have seen especially the last season, to maybe understand their thinking. I also think with me GOT was also the time period as well. It just never caught my attention.
My favorite showsright now are

This is Us
Elementary love Johnny Lee Miller
Big Bang Therory
Burn Notice
I saw where Prison Break is coming back as well. Are you excited about that?
Another great show was Friday Night Lights!! I loved it!!
Maybe I will try Prison Break! Since its coning back.


Those are some interesting shows. I might consider watching the Blacklist eventually. I am pretty excited for the next season of Prison Break coming up. I'm hoping it's better than seasons 3 and 4, but I'm not sure how t will turn out


I agree loved season 2 and 3. But I also loved season 4 as well. One of my favorite scenes is from Hard Times, when Micheal is in jail and Fi visits him. The look on his face when she kisses him is priceless. And I loved her telling him he would have to figure out some things for himself!!


I have a friend who liked PrisonBreak and cant wait for it. I told a friend about Burn Notice and she started watching it now too. She was like me never saw it while it was on. I have not told her how different the last season is yet though.


Season 2 and 3 are hard to pick from. I think season 2 is my favorite mainly becasue Scatter Point, Good Soldier and Bad Breaks. I love those episodes, Brad the bodyguard finding Christ and how he stopped the kidnapping was great.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


Here's my rankings:

Season 3
Season 2
Season 4
Season 1
Season 6
Season 5
Season 7


It's funny, I think season 4 they made a bomb with hairspray and tin foil in a trashcan, it was funny.


Seasons 2 & 3 are my favorites
