Your favorite season
Without spoilers, what was your favorite season of Burn Notice? I'm almost halfway through season 4 right now and I've got to say my favorite is probably season 3 right now. Season 4 being my least favorite so far
shareWithout spoilers, what was your favorite season of Burn Notice? I'm almost halfway through season 4 right now and I've got to say my favorite is probably season 3 right now. Season 4 being my least favorite so far
shareI would say 2 for the season-long arc but 3 for the individual episodes. Season 4 takes time to get going and get used to Jesse but I thought he eventually blended in.
I still wish they had done that Sam/Jesse spinoff.
"And Hulk? Smash."---Captain America, The Avengers
It was definitely hard to pick between 2 and 3. They're very close for me. Jesse is the main problem for me so far. I guess I'll have to just get used to him though. Any chance they will make the spin off still or probably not?
shareNah, that ship has sailed. Bruce Campbell is busy now on Ash vs. Evil Dead.
"And Hulk? Smash."---Captain America, The Avengers
I watched the prequel movie about Sam after finishing season 4 and I enjoyed it. Was that movie meant to replace the spin off that Jesse and Sam were meant to have? Also, how is Ash vs. Evil dead? If you watch it, do you think it's something worth getting into? I've never been one for zombie stuff, until I started watching TWD, but I feel like Ash v. Evil dead is a lot different. If it has any similarities at all to TWD though I'm sure I'd love it, as that's my favorite show, and Bruce Campbell is awesome haha
shareMy favorite is season 2 by a long shot although I really like season 4. I am a Jesse fan although hated what they did to him. Glad he stayed around. Ironically, Season 3 is my least favorite. But that is due to the arcs within and not the client of the week. i just did not like the three mini arcs within the season very well.
shareI just finished 4 yesterday and I actually really enjoyed it as the season went on. 2 and 3 are both hard to choose from for me as my favorite season still though. I started to like Jesse more as the season progressed and I think he's already fit in now. Interested to see what they do with his character from now on
shareI just finished this serirs. Great show. loved them all really. Season 6 was really good. Did not like season 7 but dont want to spoil it for you. Very hard season to watch. Still trying to process as i just finished last night. The problem with watching a show that ended 3 years ago you cant get answers to questions you might have. Glad to see soneone else is watching,come back and let me know what you thought.
shareI just finished season 4, watched the Sam prequel movie and started season 5. I ended up liking 4 a lot more as it went on. My order is probably:
1. S3
2. S2
3. S4
4. S1
I appreciate you not spoiling anything lol. Without spoiling anything, what was hard to watch episode season 7? This show is definitely great and I have to say it's probably in my top 5 TV shows of all time. Agreed, It's hard to ask questions about It though since the series has been over for some time. I'm confused at the start of season 5, have the CIA captured everyone on the list except that one guy? It's kinda confusing for me so far. Only just started season 5 though, so I'm sure it will clear up
Never mind about my last question, was cleared up by the end of the first episode lol
shareI agree that the show is great. I still find it hard to believe I did not know about it when it was on. It is also one of my all time favorites as well. I love season 5 as well. It will be hard to discuss season 7 without spoiling some things, and I do not want spoil it for you. The storyline is different. The tone of the show as well. I will be so interested to see what you think. My favorites seasons are 1, just because it got it started. 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, and 7.
shareI would love it if they were to bring the show back for one last season. I don't know how it ends, but if there is a way it can be brought back, that would be awesome. It would be cool if they did a Michael prequel movie as well. I just finished season 5 today. Binged that season pretty fast lol. I liked it. I'd probably have to place it right above season 4 in my order. The premiere of season 6 was really intense. I hope Anson gets what he deserves soon
shareSeason 5 was my favorite as well. Season 6 is good as well. I still wonder how I never wayched it when it was on. It really is and I think it would be even more popular now. But season 6 is where things begin to change and I think some of the writers got away from the core of who the charcters were.
shareI just watched the episode Shock Wave. Damn, that ending. Poor Nate :( At least Anson was killed and Fiona is free, but I imagine that's going to change Michael forever. Especially since he never had the chance to apologize
shareYou are moving right along!! Yep the changes are coming fast now!! I really wish that Micheal and Anson would have had another encounter before he died though. What did you think of Micheal and Fiona's reunion?
shareYeah I'm going through it pretty fast lol. I wish Michael would've had the chance to take out Anson, but regardless, I was happy that Anson was killed. I'm still sad about Nate. Every time Madeline talks about him, it makes me tear up. I loved Michael and Fi's reunion. I was happy that she wasn't in jail too long. Her being in prison had me remembering the earlier seasons of prison break lol. I'm on the season finale of season 6 right now. Almost done, hoping that Sam makes it from his gunshot wound. And I wish they would've let that b* Olivia Riley die haha
shareThank God Olivia Riley is gone after that finale lol. I really hated her. I didn't like how they wrote Agent Pearce off the show though. I liked her, hopefully she comes back some time in season 7. And sucks what happened to Bly. He was one of my favorite guest characters on the show. Watched the premiere of Season 7 and it's already darker than s6. Can't believe Michael's been separated from everyone for 9 months. Hopefully their reunion happens soon
I could not stand Riley either and she really was starting to ruin it for me. Yea killing Bly was a surprise too. Yea the season opener is just the begining. The second epsiode is something else too. As soon as you watch it II will let you onow what I dont like. I will say that they do not stay true to Fiona's charcter and was disappointed in that. I thought season 6 was good.
shareEpisode 2 was even heavier. God I can't take this separation much longer. I hope everyone is back together soon. I don't like Fi's new boyfriend. Hoping he dies lol. This season is already more depressing than The Walking Dead season 7 or on par with it at least. Michael better be back with the team before midway through the season at least because I'm not sure I'll be able to watch through the whole thing like this haha. Fi's character is very different now but I guess it's to be expected since Michael has been gone for 9 months. Still, it's not his fault, he decided to do this job in order to save his family. Fi blames him for leaving, but he had to. It's really a screwed situation overall
shareI can understand where the Sam and Jesse spinoff was coming from now too. They're great with each other. And I started to really like Jesse's character since he forgave Michael for burning him. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season but hoping it's not this depressing the whole way through
shareAs for my favorite Season Order now, it's probably:
1. S3
2. S6
3. S2
4. S5
5. S4
6. S1
I ended up loving Season 4 though and I still liked season 1. So they weren't bad in my eyes, I just liked the other seasons listed above, slightly better. This show is still in my top 5 favorite TV shows I've seen too
Season 6 and 7 are hard to rank because they're so different from the others, but I'll probably have to add season 7 above 4 or 5 on my list.