What is the difference between Atheists + Anti-Christ..??
Just a question...
What do you think is the difference between Atheists & Anti-Christ??
Almost all people that deny & do not believe in the existence of a God are relying their basis through science, physics & historical facts. And that I call scientific-atheists.
But if they really are scientific, they cannot deny that a Jesus Christ really did exists and they must believe that fact.. So if they believe in Christ but do not believe in his teachings, His claim that there is a God, & ignore His commandments... then if they were against Him should they fall into being Anti-Christ??
In the Bible there are few meanings of Anti-Christ & few things to be consider for one to be Anti-Christ.. and some characteristic to be called an Anti-Christ.
a) The Prime Anti-Christ w/c is described in the book of Revelation.. A powerful man that can lead the world..
b) Anyone who teaches other doctrine other than the doctrine of Christ & the apostles.. Anyone who teaches other gospel other than those written by the apostles.. are Anti-Christ..
c) Anyone who denies Christ's teachings (including believing in God).. Are Anti-Christ..
The Atheists fall into one of the description of being Anti-Christ, probably the most important part of the teaching of Christ.. So is it logical to call Atheists themselves Anti-Christ..??