MovieChat Forums > Angels & Demons (2009) Discussion > What is the difference between Atheists ...

What is the difference between Atheists + Anti-Christ..??

Just a question...

What do you think is the difference between Atheists & Anti-Christ??

Almost all people that deny & do not believe in the existence of a God are relying their basis through science, physics & historical facts. And that I call scientific-atheists.
But if they really are scientific, they cannot deny that a Jesus Christ really did exists and they must believe that fact.. So if they believe in Christ but do not believe in his teachings, His claim that there is a God, & ignore His commandments... then if they were against Him should they fall into being Anti-Christ??

In the Bible there are few meanings of Anti-Christ & few things to be consider for one to be Anti-Christ.. and some characteristic to be called an Anti-Christ.

a) The Prime Anti-Christ w/c is described in the book of Revelation.. A powerful man that can lead the world..

b) Anyone who teaches other doctrine other than the doctrine of Christ & the apostles.. Anyone who teaches other gospel other than those written by the apostles.. are Anti-Christ..

c) Anyone who denies Christ's teachings (including believing in God).. Are Anti-Christ..


The Atheists fall into one of the description of being Anti-Christ, probably the most important part of the teaching of Christ.. So is it logical to call Atheists themselves Anti-Christ..??


- Anti-Christ people are people who believe that God exists but for some reason hate him and work against him. They sort of have no interest in him..'Anti-Christ' people are usually satanists.

- Atheists are people who are skeptical about the existence of God. Some of them question whether or not he exists and others simply live their lives being good (or bad) without necessarily having to believe in him, read the bible or go to church. They simply do not care, but they don't despise God and are not satanists because they don't believe/ worship neither of them.



No, the answers are very clear, the Bible quotes [the word of God] I SPECIFICALLY posted stated it, not me. Atheists are of the Ant-Christ..Satan. Too bad yall...All you gotta do is repent and beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ and get Eternal life.

I don't want eternal life, especially with a God who created Lucifer and knew exactly what would become of him and the trouble he would cause and didn't do anything about it. Who sits down on a throne apparently (why does he act so humanlike?) and watches his children and babies suffer because it's a "test" or he's working in "mysterious ways", saves his "believers" because they worship him, but not Atheists because they have the common sense to understand that he's a completely illogical tyrant. He will send me to burn forever in a lake of fire just because I don't give as much of a *beep* about him as he does about me?

The threat of eternal suffering is so childish my friend, and if that's what you believe happens to the majority of this population so be it (that's billions, upon billion, upon billions of human beings so far), and if you think we are of the same devil that he created, so be it, but who is to blame? Humanity? For eating a *beep* apple he knew we were going to eat?


No, the answers are very clear.

Here's a VERY clear answer from an atheist, ME.
An atheist is somebody who believes that NOTHING that is supernatural/divine/para-psychological exists, & that the only things that do exist are the physical universe, matter, energy, time, & space.

You have tried to re-define the word atheist so that it means somebody who believes that the supernatural/divine DOES exist but who either does not side with either god or satan or who does take one side. Your re-definition of the word atheist FAILS.
IF I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.


How strange that you accuse someone of trying to redefine the meaning of the word atheist and yet that's exactly what you've done.

Being an atheist has nothing to do with one's belief in supernatural/para-psychological, etc. It only means that one lacks belief in a god or gods. Nothing more, nothing less.




I've corrected my earlier definition of an anti-christ (see above).

While I generally agree with what you've said, you should ease off of the cap locks button, as it makes it look like you're shouting. People are less likely to listen to somebody who is shouting at them. IMDB makes it easy to italicize things, which will sometimes accomplish the some effect as uppercase.
To use certain effects at IMDB.
[ i]italicize[ /i]
[ b]bold[ /b]
[ quote]Example[ /quote]
IF I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.


You capitalized 5 words in your other post, probably what made the guy write caps back to you. Wouldn't you at least go back in your posts to make sure you aren't being a hypocrite?


"What do you think is the difference between Atheists & Anti-Christ??"

The difference between atheists and [the] Anti-Christ: atheists get better press.

The actual difference, I guess, is that atheists disbelieve in all gods/hate all religions equally. They only believe in themselves and in the world--believing in the created and not the Creator. That's fine, if that's the existence you want. I find it rather bleak. To me, being anti-Christ is specifically being against Christ or that which He represents: same species, different animals. Again, that's fine if that's the existence you want for yourself, but I prefer to have faith that there is something for me after my existence here on Earth. Even if it turns out to be merely a pleasant fiction (which I do not believe it will), it is one that makes the inevitability of dying a bit less ominous and harms no one if I am wrong.


atheists disbelieve in all gods/hate all religions equally.

My position is that I don't understand what a "God" actually is, and nobody has ever given me a satisfactory explanation, so I have no opinion about the existence or non-existence of "God(s)." (No hate here.)

What should I call myself?

Evidently, I can't call myself an atheist or an agnostic, let alone a theist. What is left?


Well, by this definition of AntiChrist, then all other religions are AntiChristian, just not athiests.


Antichrist - believes in the christian god but worships Satan
Atheist - believes in no gods at all
Christian - believes in no gods except one


FYI here:
The term "anti-christ" (with a dash) is not found in all versions of the Christian bible, only in some versions (and those are the more modern ones). It is a term used in reference to people who go against the teachings of the Christian church (pagans).

"Antichrist", in all versions of the Christian bible, is a "person" that does the opposite of Christ (hence the name). Per the book of Revelation, it will be a "person" that arrives during the time of tribulation (the apocolypse) and causes strife for the people still living at that time and tries to force them to worship him.

Athiesm is the rejection of belief in the existence of any deities.

So, there is no similarity between anti-christ, antichrist and athiest.

BTW,if you study the Christian bible, and read all of the gospels (not just the ones approved by the Council of Nicea), you will discover that many of the Christian teachings have been altered since Christ was on Earth.

The Christian church tried everything they could to get the "pagans" into their religion, even so far as to incorporate the pagan's beliefs into the religion.

This is why there are so many similarities in worldwide cultural stories and what is seen in the Christian bible. (For a starting point, lookup the flood stories across the different cultures as well as the god Mithra.)


Atheists have nothing to do with being an Antichrist. As someone else said, Antichrists are still actually religious, they just oppose god and worship satan (who is still in the holy books).

Atheists don't even believe in the devil. Or at least, they shouldn't believe in the devil. Because by believing in the devil, you must have a belief in god. It makes no sense when atheists believe who don't believe in the devil or evil spirits get freaked out by supernatural horror movies involving ghosts and evil spirits, if they were to strongly believe they don't exist.

I'm agnostic, so I think there is every possibility there may be a god and evil spirits, so when I see my atheist friends getting freaked out by horror films such as The Exorcist and films that involve the devil and paranormal entities I just laugh at them, because maybe deep down inside they do, they just want to live their lives freely by not believing in a god. You can have some belief in god and have freedom (I see god as a creator, not someone to be worshipped for the gift of 'life', as I don't see it as that much of a gift, or to enter the gates of heaven, of which there is no official proof of an after life as it cannot be proved).

I guess many of them do it so as not to look crazy. Here in the UK, it's quite unfashionable to be of a Christian faith as many people will take the piss out of you (seriously, I'm not joking) and that's just something I really despise.

Unless your a scientologist (in which you are crazy), I have no problem with people worshipping a book if it makes them happy, unless they try to force their own beliefs onto me. That goes for atheists too. It's all about being preachy and thinking 'my belief system is right, and yours is wrong.'


I'm an Atheist and I'm as much an 'Anti-Christ' as I am Gaia, the Goddess of Nature (and a good friend of Captain Planet)

The utter ignorance of the OP is astounding, but not surprising. See this is the difference between we Atheists and those that adhere to any one particular theology; we actually UNDERSTAND the theology in question, therefore we are well-equiped to be critical or it.

The smug religious person however reverts to a simpleton explanation such as that Atheism is a rival religion (in most cases Science is our *ahem* 'god), or that we are 'batting for the other team' i.e. Satan.

I've even been told by a fundie that I am Atheist simply because I 'love to sin' (yes in fact I do enjoy eating meat on Fridays. What of it?)

I'm just glad I am on the winning side - the side of reason and logic.


Atheists exist - That is all
I see no need to accept any of the premises of your world view and you posted nothing that would give me any reason to do anything other than reject it as dogmatic nonsense with no basis in the real world
