MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > The show failed for these reasons...

The show failed for these reasons...

1) As a European, around the end of Season 1 most of the world was fed up with it. As far as we saw, Americans had created yet another propaganda show blaming the middle-east and North Korea during their disgusting Iraq and Afghanistan wars. At the time we all kept laughing that since 2001 we had been told that "hating Americans was a fad" and other such pathetic nonsense they used to justify their illegal wars.

With the sudden advent of blaming Iran, all we saw were just another moronic attempt to justify their own ignorance. Akin to all your "ticking time bomb justifies torture" claims. The same anger towards such American ignorance and arrogance came from those in Australia and Canada as well.

So, while a small amount, the rest of the world suddenly lost interest in the show. Which cut off a lot of viewership for season two before it even started.

But hey, there's still the American audience, right?

2) Americans, in an ironic twist, started to stop watching the show in droves in season 2 because of the sheer number of conservative viewers suddenly finding the idea that a government or corporation could lead them into something like that to be abhorrent. Previously drawn to the show because of its "Patriotic" small town fighting for survival against terrorism, they suddenly found themselves in Season 2 to be facing the very opposite of their ignorant ideology.

These are effectively the reasons the shows viewers left and the show ended as it did.



@ SvenJolly

The show failed because the writing was stupid and the dialogue utterly inane.

Neither of those things stopped LOST from succeeding. A better reason that the show failed is that the premise was a post-apocalyptic TV show, but what we actually got was a plot a closer to Little House on the Prairie.

The fanbase that enjoys post-apocalyptic stories is not a big fan of LHotP, and vice versa.


I see you're spreading this same conclusion on a couple of threads. The premise of the show was not a typical "post-apocalyptic TV show". It was about a small LHotP town finding itself in the center of a plot by terrorists (that happened to use a small-scale nuclear attack) to take over America....

I'll agree - fans of typical post-apocalyptic stories were apparently not that impressed....


I have the impression the show was written by clueless LA and NYC liberals who have no idea how midwesterners would react to these events, sort of like how the recent Red Dawn sucked compared to the original. My take on Jericho is in the form of "this is how NOT to do stuff." Even the spec ops guy acts like a tard most of the time. I'm only watching it at this point for Lennie James.

Just once I'd like to see a show that had drama and smart characters. Other than the bank shootout in Heat, pretty much everything from Hollywood is a lesson in "how not to do something."


Hey Bob's your Uncle here is a dollar go buy a clue



Huh? You dont sound like you know much about American politics or american culture. Except what you read or see on tv or imdb, thats my friend is written by neo progressive neak beards. Keep your rediculous opinion in Scandinavia and kindly mind your own business.


Three reasons? You only listed two. Anyway, Jericho failed here in America for the same reason Star Wars was banned in certain countries overseas. Once a film (or TV series) exhibits a theme of freedom and independence they tend to draw the wrath of the government. I believe Jericho was becoming too Libertarian for its own good with the result of some behind-the-scenes strong arming from an increasingly despotic government.
