MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > How could happen that Ryan Gosling didn'...

How could happen that Ryan Gosling didn't get a Oscar's nomination?

I saw this movie 2 days ago and I still can't get out of my mind how miraculous it was. I found that its script and its performances were absolutly great. All the cast was so perfect, but the higher note was played by Ryan Gosling. He achieved to shows us thousand of emotions with little gestures and eye's movements. I finished the movie and couldn't believe how great the acting and the script was, and when I realized that Gosling didn't get a nomination I was horrified by the terrible mistake of the Academmy.
I know that DDL deserved the Oscar for best actor, but Ryan Gosling was the 2d better that year... so I just wanna know if you think that he deserved a nomination or it is just me?


it's hilarious that they actually nominated Tommy Lee Jones for playing his detective type character for like the 50th time.. unbelievable.. Gosling got robbed


It was a really small movie and many voters probably didn't end up watching it, although the writers did watch it and nominated it for original screenplay. It was a rare miss given Gosling had both BFCA, SAG and GG support. But eventually, a movie about a sex doll may be too much for the voters.

The performances did grow on me though. Very nice little film!



Gosling??? Horsecrap!! Bianca should have gotten an Oscar nom.


This is how the Oscars should have worked:

Winner: Daniel Day Lewis -- There Will Be Blood (best performance ever)


Ryan Gosling -- Lars and the Real Girl
Emile Hirsch -- Into the Wild
Tommy Lee Jones -- In The Valley of Elah
Viggo Mortensen -- Eastern Promises

^That's my personal opinion anyway....

Also, Gosling should have won the Golden Globe for best performance in a comedy/musical. He was better than Depp in my opinion.

Last seen films:

Lars and the Real Girl. 10/10
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. 10/10
