I saw this movie 2 days ago and I still can't get out of my mind how miraculous it was. I found that its script and its performances were absolutly great. All the cast was so perfect, but the higher note was played by Ryan Gosling. He achieved to shows us thousand of emotions with little gestures and eye's movements. I finished the movie and couldn't believe how great the acting and the script was, and when I realized that Gosling didn't get a nomination I was horrified by the terrible mistake of the Academmy. I know that DDL deserved the Oscar for best actor, but Ryan Gosling was the 2d better that year... so I just wanna know if you think that he deserved a nomination or it is just me?
I agree 100%, but the Oscar race is never about the five best performances in any category. So much is decided by timing, name recognition, genre, etc. There was a lot of buzz for Gosling and he was certainly deserving. Sometimes it is your year and sometimes it is not. He was great in Half-Nelson and got a nomination. He was great in Lars and the Real Girl and did not get one. That is the way it goes.
Dude - your comment was hilarious. It never entered my mind until I read your posting. Brilliant observation. He sounds exactly like David Arquette and has similar mannerisms.
Because you don't get an Oscar for impersonating David Arquette.
Dear god, I nearly had an aneurysm interpreting this sentence. David Arquette is a terrible actor who acts exactly like himself in every role. Are you seriously saying that Ryan Gosling's stunning, nuanced performance was only as good as David Arquette playing himself? That's not even possible.
I don't mean to take anything away from Gosling's performance. However, I put this movie on and within the first minute (The scene between Lars and Karin) my ears perked up and I thought to myself:
"Hmm, I didn't know Gosling could act...Hmm this is like great old school acting....Huuhh I think he's going for it, I think Gosling is going for one of those once in a lifetime performances."
And then I felt like he lost his momentum for the rest of the time until he got Bianca. The scenes that I felt he lost it were the one at work, when Karen jumps on him in the driveway, and being at church. I just felt like he let us in too much. Almost like he got too normal, too relatable. It lessened the change he undergoes when he got Bianca. However, once the doll showed up, I once again felt him building towards something and found myself thinking again "huh this is great acting."
So to summarize my unintentionally long comment, I felt that Gosling's performance was very very good, but just short of one of those iconic roles. Feel free to disagree or perhaps even attempt to change my mind.
I felt that Gosling's performance was very very good, but just short of one of those iconic roles. Feel free to disagree or perhaps even attempt to change my mind.
Have you seen "Half Nelson" ?
He gave the performance of his career in that movie. He lost the Oscar because everyone was loving Forrest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scotland" shameful I thought.
No way was Forrest Whitaker's performance better than Ryan Goslings.
It was a career performance for sure.
Looking forward to Blue Valetine. They are saying Oscar nominations for him and Michelle Williams in the leads.
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It was a crazy year of good performances for best actor.
Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises, Daniel Day-Lewis in There will be Blood, George Clooney in Micheal Clayton, Johnny Depp in Sweeny Todd.
The only one I can see him getting over was Tommy Lee Jones for The Valley of Elah. But Gosling wouldn't have won. Not against those nominations. And Daniel Day-Lewis took it in a walk because his performance just blew away the other nominees.
Yes, Emily Mortimer. This girl never gives a bad performance. I've seen her in Lars and the Real Girl (2007); Match Point (2005); and Young Adam (2003)... great performances, all.
She was so incredibly sympathetic with her "different" brother-in-law Lars. Emily is the first person we see interacting with him, and she sets the tone for everyone else in the movie who comes to love Lars and empathize with him.
What an incredible, incredible film. I'll remember it forever.
Cheers, Dan
English subtitles are a MUST on all DVD releases! reply share
hmm i'll have to check out those other films by her sometime...i completely agree, she set the tone for everything and her sympathy was very endearing...
Daniel Day Lewis was always going to win that oscar for There Will Be Blood, it's just such a uniquely powerful performance and was written by the God who is Paul Thomas Anderson who always gets the best out of his actors so it was a perfect 100% winning match. However I do think Gosling was unbelievably good in this film, but it was a bit of a big name year at the Oscars, haven't seen Sweeney Todd so don't know about Depp's performance. I remember Jones' performance being pretty good in Elah, but not Gosling interesting. Brad Pitt also deserved a nom that year for Jesse James, and the next year he was nominated for Benjamin Button which I didn't think he was very good in.
It was a crazy year of good performances for best actor.
Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises, Daniel Day-Lewis in There will be Blood, George Clooney in Micheal Clayton, Johnny Depp in Sweeny Todd.
The only one I can see him getting over was Tommy Lee Jones for The Valley of Elah. But Gosling wouldn't have won. Not against those nominations. And Daniel Day-Lewis took it in a walk because his performance just blew away the other nominees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Day Lewis is a force unto himself. But I agree Ryan was fantastic in this film!
I am a huge fan of Daniel Day-Lewis' performance but I feel that Ryan Gosling was miles better, it was just a perfect performance in every way, one of the best of all time, he really deserved to win, I honestly can't believe that George Clooney was nominated for his dull and uninteresting performance in Michael Clayton and Ryan Gosling was completely ignored, that has to be one of the worst mistakes the Academy has ever made!!
I'm not sure if Clooney was dull and uninteresting, or if it was the film itself but I agree with your assessment overall. I stopped 1/3 way through Michael Clayton, yawn.
I LOVE Lars and have watched it twice. It's on my top 10 list of films--quirky funny, well acted.