MovieChat Forums > Foundation (2021) Discussion > After ep5 I realized what apple/showrunn...

After ep5 I realized what apple/showrunners are up to

Their plan is to make this show as long as possible to stretch out the subscriptions. Who here gives a flying fuck about what happened to dornick before she arrived on trentor? All I needed to know was what they mentioned in passing. I didn't want to actually seeing how it all played out. It was crazy boring.

Basically this is their "flashback" gimmick to stretch out a story. A lot of shows have done it in recent years. The flashback is boring as fuck and no one would watch a show about that. The main story is interesting but they want to stretch it out so each episode has like half flashback, half main story. The earliest one I could remember doing it excessively was Lost. Still, that's barely related to foundation though since only the imperial story is interesting. The main story on the exiled planet is boring. lol. Fuck this show sucks but there are like no other shows to watch right now.


For a guy who hated the show since ep 3, you sure keep coming back. Ah, never ending supply of people that just hate watch these days. Too much time on hand?


ahhaha. why are you stalking me? also wtf man, i literally said it at the end.

"Fuck this show sucks but there are like no other shows to watch right now." i keep wishing it'd be good but it's not. the reason i'm ranting about it this much to begin with is because it was highly anticipated to be good.


"it was highly anticipated to be good" by whom?

Based on the diversified cast and the woke vibes I didn't expect too much - they are just tryin to cash in on the name. I'm still watching if because there's nothing else interesting right now.


I tuned out after reading the first sentence. I'm not stalking since your posts is literally on the front page, all about whining. You must not watch many shows since I still have a backlog to go through.


you tuned out the first sentence but kept crying. why?


That line of attack is so dishonest, and pointless. Everyone has different reasons for the shows they watch, and why they might keep watching a show that is otherwise disappointing for them. Comments of that form are just provocative spam trolling - personal attacks, not any kind of discussion about movies.


TV producers doing their job to make money. Check out the big brain on Brett!

I think they made this show just for the likes of you. They're reeling you in hook line and sinker. :)


lol being the only big budget sci fi show in a while is soooooooo reeling me in. can you stop saying dumb crap to me though. i don't mind talking shit or discussing anything but come on man. stop following me around and saying the dumbest shit.


I'm not stalking you. It just so happens that you are in the habit of saying stupid things and I sometimes respond.


I agree with you. The primary purpose of these shows, as it more or less always has been is to get eyes on the commercials. In this case it is not commercials, but subscription services - i.e. to use what we now about human nature to make money - all other purposes are out of the window, or at least secondary, it that high. Art, literature, morality, information ... it is all about money and even behavior modification and misinformation.

Have you seen "For All Mankind"? It's pretty good.
