After ep5 I realized what apple/showrunners are up to
Their plan is to make this show as long as possible to stretch out the subscriptions. Who here gives a flying fuck about what happened to dornick before she arrived on trentor? All I needed to know was what they mentioned in passing. I didn't want to actually seeing how it all played out. It was crazy boring.
Basically this is their "flashback" gimmick to stretch out a story. A lot of shows have done it in recent years. The flashback is boring as fuck and no one would watch a show about that. The main story is interesting but they want to stretch it out so each episode has like half flashback, half main story. The earliest one I could remember doing it excessively was Lost. Still, that's barely related to foundation though since only the imperial story is interesting. The main story on the exiled planet is boring. lol. Fuck this show sucks but there are like no other shows to watch right now.