MovieChat Forums > Foundation (2021) Discussion > Asimov's Foundation! Don't make me laugh...

Asimov's Foundation! Don't make me laugh...

Asimov's Foundation! Piss off, this is a made up mumbo jumbo joke, it's nothing like it. Didn't any of those fuckers read the books?!

And... Talk about it being woked out to fuck, this is wokery at its finest, with tokens to the left of me, and tokens to the right of me, here I am... in the middle of wokery. Which is really what I would have expected from Liberal PC woked-out pussy Apple anyway.

I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


I think this series was made for everyone else but you. You can still try to enjoy it though.


No Ranb, it's another pile of liberal woke shite, made by and for the liberal woke minorities, of which you are obviously one.

I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


I'm actually part of one of the most privileged demographics in the USA; white middle aged male. I vote based on the issues, one of them being the RKBA.

I think Trump is a commie, gun-grabbing, SOB who did not deserve the GOP nomination in 2020. Trump's punk-ass lost the popular vote to Clinton and Biden. That spells L-O-S-E-R!!!

I'm just not a racist, sexist SOB. :) But I can understand how this last part can disappoint a person like you.


Trump a commie? LOL Don't be such a jackass.


So you're okay with "gun-grabbing, SOB who did not deserve the GOP nomination in 2020"?

Most Trump supporters I talk to try to deny that Trump classified bump stocks (just the stock, not the gun it's attached to) as contraband machine guns so that he could have them seized or destroyed without compensation.


No, but I'm ok with Trump because he did everything to help America. Biden is letting millions of illegal aliens into the country, costing us hundreds of billions of dollars. Are you ok with that? Obviously, you are. If Trump had botched Afghanistan as badly as the idiot Biden did, they would be trying to impeach him. We have inflation rising at rates we haven't seen in decades. Cost of food, gas prices (we were energy independent under Trump for the first time and Biden put an end to that) are much higher and we are now on the verge of more debt. He killed the Keystone, which was jobs and energy and lower prices. All bad things under Biden.

But you want to believe Trump was the bad guy?


Are you saying that Trump is good because Biden is bad? I'm just fine with you calling Biden bad; nothing Biden does will ever make Trump a good guy.


No, I am saying that Trump was good. Very good. One of the best presidents of the modern era, the only one who did what he said he would do. And we see now just how right he was about the wall. Even Democrat mayors down at the border want a wall now. The Dems are fighting over a massive spending bill anywhere from $1.5-3.5 trillion. Over that same period, the net loss to due to illegal aliens will be well over a trillion dollars. That's what Biden brought to America.
As a former liberal, I can tell you exactly why they are doing this because they told me back when I supported Democrats. They want to turn Texas blue like they did with California by flooding the state with illegals. On top of that they are sending them to key battleground states. They want more voters they can depend on voting Democrat and who will do anything just so long as they can stay here. They don't care.
That was the end of me voting Democrat. Haven't voted for a Democrat since. They have only gotten worse.
If white people moved into Africa by the millions, you would be bitching every second. Right?
But China is systematically taking over Africa and you don't mind that at all. You do realize that China is arguably the most anti-black country on the planet. Right? They aren't weighed down by conscience. At the very least they can get rid of people by making them disappear, but not before they harvest their organs for a nice profit.


The wall is an example of Trump doing something he said he would do? That is one of the most stupid things I've read here in a while. Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. The Trump administration managed to build 80 new miles of wall; Mexico did not pay. He did manage to improve parts of pre-existing wall though.

Trump left a long list of promises unfulfilled.

Bragged covid would go away.
Said he would be too busy to play golf.
Repeal the ACA and replace it with something better.
Failed to bring corp tax down to 15%
Bragged he would make the economy grow, it stalled instead.
He left our troops in Afghanistan for Biden to screw up.
He went back on his promise to put Clinton in prison as soon as he was elected.
He failed to block all muslims from entering the country.
No real progress on national debt.
He failed to make a dent in the illegal immigration population here.
He only got $21 billion of the $1.5 trillion promised for infrastructure development.
He did not re-instate torture of terrorists.

This is only a tiny part of the long list of promises Trump made and has not kept. Trump's legacy will be that of a proud rapist and insurrectionist who avoided responsibility for anything.


It takes a while for me sometimes to see a troll. After that list, you are nothing but a troll. My final post to you.


If you refuse to back up your claims, then you are a irrelevent. Calling me a troll and refusing to refute my claims just makes you coward.


I'm fairly certain I've already complained about African colonialism by European powers. That resulted in lots of white people moving there to exploit its people and resources.


But you don't mind China buying up Africa. LOL


I didn't say that at all.


Your omission said it all. China is doing whatever they want in Africa and you are still hung up on the distant past, holding white Europe responsible. Just like you do white America.


"bump stock" is an illegal conversation to automatic fire. You already proved you were an idiot when you said Trump was a Commie.


Bump stocks were not illegal until Trump directed the DOJ to amend 27CFR to define them as machine guns. The ATF during the Obama administration repeatedly said that bumps stocks without a spring to assist in the back and forth motion of the action were legal. Previously the Bush administration defined a bump stock called the Atkin Accelerator to be a machine gun. The ATF tracked down the owners and told them to surrender or destroy the spring that was in it.

The CFR made it clear that it is the bump stock that is the machine gun, all by itself. Back in 2018 Trump said he would ban bump stocks and he did so. Trump wanted his own gun grab and got it. Here is the final rule for anyone who wants to read it.

The new rule says in part; "The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similar characteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’ as defined by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968...."

So far, of the many people I've talked to about this, it is only the Trump supporters who deny that bump stocks are machine guns or that Trump is not a gun grabber. When I ask if Trump was lying when he called bump stocks machine guns, I never get a rational answer.

Obama was anti-gun, to the core. Compared to Obama, Trump is a gun grabbing commie.


There was bipartisan support for the ban, so stop blaming Trump! Courts may still overturn it. Biden would modify the ban slightly then.

Public opinion
Immediately following the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, 72% of registered voters supported a bump stock ban, including 68% of Republicans and 79% of Democrats.[24] A 2018 poll found 81% of American adults supported banning bump stocks with a margin of error of ±3.5%.[25] A different poll around the same time found 56% of American adults supported banning bump stocks with a margin of error of ±4%.[26]


Just because left and right wing anti-gun zealots supported the gun grab does not make Trump pro-gun. Trump is a gun grabber. This means he is just another anti-gun politician.

Trump was the one that used his authority as head of the executive branch to ban bump stocks. It was not forced upon him. Even if Congress had passed a bump stock ban, Trump could have vetoed it. But no, Trump went out of his way to order that the Code of Federal Regulations classify bump stocks as contraband machine guns.

This anti-gun insanity started back in 1934 with passage of the National Firearms Act signed by FDR (D). It required registration, a $200 tax, ATF authorization and the local sheriff's signature on the registration form for a non-licensee to make or transfer a machine gun, silencer or other NFA firearm.

In 1986 the Firearm Owner Protection Act was signed by Reagan (R). It contained the Hughes Amendment which banned the registration of new machine guns by unlicensed civilians. That is why all machine guns owned by non-licensees are at least 35 years old and most cost over $10,000.

In 2016 the Obama administration eliminated the sheriff's signature on the tax stamp application. This eliminated the most common obstacle to owning machine guns and other NFA firearms in the USA by individuals. Obama's action was the most significant pro-gun regulation or law change since the 2004 sunset of the AWB of 1994.

What was Trump's biggest thing regarding gun control? He had the CFR amended to screw over as many as 500,000 law abiding Americans by taking or destroying their property without compensation. While the 6th circuit court invalidated the ban, this is not nation-wide. The judges that Trump put on the Supreme court have not done a damn thing for gun owners as far as the bump stock ban is concerned. Even if the courts reverse Trump's gun grab, Trump is still a vile gun grabber.

This is how Trump grabs gun owners by the pussy. He is proud of that crap.


Lots of people approved of Clinton's AWB back in 1994. Clinton is still an anti-gun dork just like Trump. At least the AWB had a grandfather clause so no one had to turn in their guns. By classifying bump stocks as contraband machine guns, Trump was able to ensure he screwed people out of their property without compensation.

Do you think it was liberal Democrats that owned most of the bump stocks? Of course not. It was mostly right wing supporters of the right to keep and bear arms. Trump's gun grab was a big "kiss my ass" to his supporters. But most of them are still stupid enough to support him.


Oi Ranb YOU UTTER PRICK... this post is about Foundation, so fuck off somewhere else with your boring US politics shite.

I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


At least the AWB had a grandfather clause

There's a Grandfather Clause? Geez, how old is that dude? I figured even Santa's pappy was long dead.


It meant that existing assault weapons were not confiscated and people could still buy or sell them.


Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying.


You also think for yourself. Not a lot of people are comfortable with people that don't ascribe to a predesignated list of beliefs XD


I see no wokeness really, but to each his own. In fact a cool white guy just showed up in episode 3. He will help against the other white guys who also just showed up.

The minority characters are still in the minority as far as I can tell.

Clone ruler is actually 3 white guys with white maid robot. The non white males so far have been terrorists and pussies.


