Just because left and right wing anti-gun zealots supported the gun grab does not make Trump pro-gun. Trump is a gun grabber. This means he is just another anti-gun politician.
Trump was the one that used his authority as head of the executive branch to ban bump stocks. It was not forced upon him. Even if Congress had passed a bump stock ban, Trump could have vetoed it. But no, Trump went out of his way to order that the Code of Federal Regulations classify bump stocks as contraband machine guns.
This anti-gun insanity started back in 1934 with passage of the National Firearms Act signed by FDR (D). It required registration, a $200 tax, ATF authorization and the local sheriff's signature on the registration form for a non-licensee to make or transfer a machine gun, silencer or other NFA firearm.
In 1986 the Firearm Owner Protection Act was signed by Reagan (R). It contained the Hughes Amendment which banned the registration of new machine guns by unlicensed civilians. That is why all machine guns owned by non-licensees are at least 35 years old and most cost over $10,000.
In 2016 the Obama administration eliminated the sheriff's signature on the tax stamp application. This eliminated the most common obstacle to owning machine guns and other NFA firearms in the USA by individuals. Obama's action was the most significant pro-gun regulation or law change since the 2004 sunset of the AWB of 1994.
What was Trump's biggest thing regarding gun control? He had the CFR amended to screw over as many as 500,000 law abiding Americans by taking or destroying their property without compensation. While the 6th circuit court invalidated the ban, this is not nation-wide. The judges that Trump put on the Supreme court have not done a damn thing for gun owners as far as the bump stock ban is concerned. Even if the courts reverse Trump's gun grab, Trump is still a vile gun grabber.
This is how Trump grabs gun owners by the pussy. He is proud of that crap.