MovieChat Forums > Epic Movie (2007) Discussion > What DID made you laugh?

What DID made you laugh?

come on, you're not impressing anyone by saying that nothing at all in this movie made you laugh, there had to be at least ONE thing that got a laugh out of you.

For me, it was the cribs scene with the scarface clips on screens everywhere, the toilet one and the one in the girl's head made me LOL


Lucy being a complete and utter *beep* but it was kind of cute too.

The Lazy Pirate Day song, and Jack Swallows in general. Oh especially the part where he's ranting about the White Bitch at the end, then he like does some sort of weird drunken reaction after it.

I also was rather impressed with the dancers they hired for the movie.



The pirate bit and the harry potter scene, i think that was one of the shortest scenes.


when the stormtroopers came on i was thinking just one hit and they die lol but thats because of star wars where they die by getting hit once

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy


I half cracked a smile during the Punk'd skit because the Ashton impression was pretty good. As with most of the jokes though, it went on for far too long and quickly became annoying.

I can't believe so many people are saying that their favorite gag is where the guy eats from the sewer line. That was the most obvious and predictable joke in the entire movie. You could see it coming from a mile off. I worry about you people, I really do.



"Hey, look! Nicole Richie!"

The only thing I laughed at.


the jack sparrow character and aslo were my favorites. and that's it.



The Captain Jack Sparrow and Willy Wonka Characters( beause the actors did a funny job of playing them) the cribs scene a little bit, and the bit wehre a Kanye WEst look alike says, "The white bitch does not care for black people." Other than that, the movie was crap.


I never laughed during ANY of the film. The only part which was near funny was when Jack Sparrow hit one of his crewmen on the head with a beer bottle. And even THAT wasn't really humouress. Oh well. At least I ALMOST started to let out a chuckle at one part in the movie. That's gotta count for something, right? WRONG.


But it wasn't really a laugh, it was more like a "jesus christ, I can't believe what I'm watching" defense chuckle.

A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?


