MovieChat Forums > Epic Movie (2007) Discussion > What DID made you laugh?

What DID made you laugh?

come on, you're not impressing anyone by saying that nothing at all in this movie made you laugh, there had to be at least ONE thing that got a laugh out of you.

For me, it was the cribs scene with the scarface clips on screens everywhere, the toilet one and the one in the girl's head made me LOL


All the tidbits mentioned in this thread did make me laugh. One scene that made me laugh that I didn't read in this thread was when they got to the chocolate factory, (I don't remember who)started eating the crap with the corn in it. Corn + crap = funny . . . always.

Thank GOD I'm not Catholic. . . or a Democrat!!


That running gag where the dumb girl annoyed her sister by repeating everything she said was kind of funny. Dumb bit, but those angry glares made me smile.

You take it out yonder and pooooouuuuurrrr it on the ground!


Aboslutely nothing in this movie made me as much as smile. If I'd been younger, I may have found some parts funny.


The cake is a lie.


Absolutely nothing made me laugh in this movie.

Seriously. Nothing.


I haven't seen the Full Movie yet, but The Willy Wonka, Jack Sparrow Prison/Ship/Rap Video, and some other parts really had me rolling.

What REALLY made me laugh, was your lack of grammar skills.


When Peter was peeing in the snow and said "I love Sudoku!" I actually laughed out loud...I know. And I'm laughing now just remembering it.


get ahold of yourself lucy


the part that made me laugh was the fight scene between Aslo and that pale guy.
the Aslo double was asian and he'll do the fighting and you'd see his face, it was so obvious. and then at some parts, Fred Willard will just stand up and say 'Raaawrrr.' then it will cut back to the Asian guy fighting the pale guy. It was so bad that I'm starting to think they did that on purpose

& of course the xmen scene & jack swallows... sometimes

The next sentence is a truth.
The previous sentence was a lie.


The ONLY thing i laughed at was the Harry Potter spoof. But it was when susan was saying "Aren't you a little old to be at this skool?"

I Spoil Everything


1. When Willy Wonka said (ONLY when he said) his candy was made from human parts, literally. That maybe 7 second part right before he started extracting teeth and nuts from the orphans (which was an incredibly stupid joke, and a waste of a good Fergie song).

2. When Captain Jack said "this isn't even a real pirate ship" and we see that it's Pirate Tours or something. That was funny.

3. When Lucy pushed Susan out of the way to punch Peter in the face after Susan had already hit him. That was downright hilarious.

After that, there was I think 1 or 2 things I liked.

1. When the remote control froze the soldiers, so the orphans could beat up the army whatever way they wanted. They was very cool.

2. When Susan was on the plain and the magazine said, Brad & Angelina ready for kids.

"Carol, one word of advice: send Cindy to a special school"
