I just saw this movie. I loved it. I'll probably buy it. It was a sweet, touching story. I agree that this movie was simply showing a point of view that is probably very common among illegal immigrants. And it was likely made so we could "feel their pain." Liberal propaganda, no doubt.
However, love or hate this movie, fact is fact. This country has laws and they are meant to be followed. The mother didn't belong here, and she was, in fact, taking advantage of our benefits.
TampaMr, while not everyone is "eyeballing" that housekeeping job, some are. There are plenty of unemployed Americans who would take that job in a heartbeat. Why don't they get these jobs over the immigrants? Chances are it has something to do with the wages that an immigrant will take, verses those a citizen will take. So what do we have? Poor illegal immigrants and unemployed Americans. That, sir, is hurting our country. And in "the future," people won't be looking back at your post or anyone else's, because no one is really going to care. For the record, "the future" that is being referred to, is the far off future. The passing of time that would be required to make anything said here "historical." I mean, honestly. Please.
Filld, if you are ashamed to be an American, please feel free to go elsewhere.
BornDead, nothing Sarah said was hateful at all. All she did was say what she felt. Whatever her reasons, she got it off her chest.
Comments were made regarding the fact that Sarah posted her thoughts and judgments about this movie, without having seen it. Every single person who has posted in this thread has done exactly the same thing, and probably daily.
Have you ever turned on the TV and thought, "Ugh, I can't stand <insert actor's name>. I can't believe they <insert horrible thing they've done, that you are far too good to have ever done to another person>?"
Yes you have.
Have you ever seen someone walking down the street, and didn't trust them?
Yes you have.
Or perhaps you've seen someone wearing revealing clothing and thought, "Slut."
Again, yes.
How many of you have told that person what you were thinking? How many of you have waited around to hear what they think of you? And as cowardly, wrong, or perhaps even smart as it may be, all of us have done or said something without waiting around for the consequences.
Of course, all of those situations may not apply to everyone, but I promise you, if you think hard, you'll remember a time you judged someone (or something) you didn't know. I know I have.
So before you cast the first stone, think.