MovieChat Forums > The Wolfman (2010) Discussion > Top ten reasons this movie flopped

Top ten reasons this movie flopped

10- Nobody owned an X-Box

9- Although this movie had a high body count none of it was done with the use of machetes or chainsaws

8- No Teenagers were beheaded while having sex in the woods

7- Nobody owns an Ipod

6- The absence of any bling

5- Nobody gets drunk or high

4- Almost all the actors are over the age of 21

3- Nobody sparkled in sunlight

2- No mention of Myspace or Facebook

1- No rap music

any sarcasm that may have been implied during this posting is completely intentional


so you are saying that this movie flopped just because it wasnt twilight style or rap-highschool-gethigh-comedy ? HA ! Didnt see the movie, but if thats the case then I`ll run to the blu-ray shop


yeah thats not why it flopped :P story was predictable the acting was very average especially from benecio del toro and the CGI wolf made it look cheap. when are directors gonna get it that puppets and costumes look way better on screen than computer graphics unless you have a spielberg size budget to work with


@beard clown why are you stating opinions as facts?

Remakes flop because they're not re imagined? I beg to differ... half the audience says re imagine, the other half says do it justice by keeping all the elements and ingredients together. If you disagree than, you're saying this movie was plagiarism. Which it wasn't, If you wanna talk plagiarism watch the "Remake" of 'Psycho'. So either the director chose a group to please or did it the way HE WANTS TO.

Enjoy life for you, and no one else.


You forgot to add that benicio del toro is more scary looking as himself than as wolfman.
That's how he always looks. Loved the OP's post. I think this movie is underrated. Del Toro, Hopkins, Weaving & Blunt were all good, I can't believe more people turned out for Red Moon than they did for this.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I agree that while the story was strictly formula, what would you have them do? Make the wolfman in outer space? Set it in Hawaii? They did a good job paying homage to the original feeling of the piece. The CGI was bothersome in many scenes especially the outdoor long shots of the city and the main house, but at least the wolfman looked quite similar to the original scary one we all saw on Saturday Creature Double Feature...

I liked it.


The original had none of those things, yet still is heralded today.

This one was just uninspired, boring and badly miscast. Hated it.

I think I'll go back and just watch the original. Forget this one ever existed.


There is only one reason: it's boring. And why the hell it had 150 million budget?


I love Gothic horror done in the style of Hammer/AIP/Amicus films. So I was pretty much the target market for this movie.

I did not like this very much, sorry.


It flopped because it needed more Emily Blunt and more cowbell!


it opened number 2, (31 million) i wouldnt say it flopped :)


It wasn't a financial flop (well, not a total flop anyway based on the worldwide gross it had - $139,789,765 which is $10,210,235 short of its listed budget not accounting for any disc sale revenue obviously), but a critical one. Most horror film fans should've been expecting that though, as it's becoming increasingly rare to find a mainstream horror film that miraculously manages to please the critics who usually rip them all apart.


i liked it and and watch it everytime its on HBO and sometimes pull out the dvd thats all that matters to me ;)

Kill them all, Let God sort em out



I'll give you three reasons why it didn't do well:
1. Opening Weekend - it was Valentines Day weekend, not Halloween.
2. Opening weekend - it was the start of Chinese New Year.
3. Opening weekend - The day it opened was also the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver - so most people were glued to their TVs watching that, and winter sports for two weeks rather than going to the theater. It was pretty much in theaters for only two weeks, the duration of the games.

Had this movie been postponed and released in October, it would've made a lot more money. Also, they should've released the Unrated Director's Cut to theaters. I blame the marketers at Univeral.
