MovieChat Forums > The Wolfman (2010) Discussion > Top ten reasons this movie flopped

Top ten reasons this movie flopped

10- Nobody owned an X-Box

9- Although this movie had a high body count none of it was done with the use of machetes or chainsaws

8- No Teenagers were beheaded while having sex in the woods

7- Nobody owns an Ipod

6- The absence of any bling

5- Nobody gets drunk or high

4- Almost all the actors are over the age of 21

3- Nobody sparkled in sunlight

2- No mention of Myspace or Facebook

1- No rap music

any sarcasm that may have been implied during this posting is completely intentional


I didn't like it at all. It was tired and formulaic.

The special effects were sub-par and the make-up, despite being done by arguable the best (Rick Baker) looked amateurish.

They traded God's truth for lies and worshipped/served the creation rather than the Creator.


The storyline was supposed to take precedent,not the special effects.


Both of which were excellent unless you refer to the OP post which explains why it flopped.


Flopped, just like Katie and me!


Apparently the Academy Awards do not agree with that. The make-up folks won an Oscar for the movie. How? Your guess is as good as mine because I am in complete agreement with you. The make-up was amateur. When they finally showed his face I was thinking, "Really? That's him? This might as well be set in the 80s and called 'Teen Wolf'!"

Testicles. That is all.



The werewolf make-up looked fantastic. However the CGI effects added to it ruined it somewhat.


A preaching theist that dislikes this great gore horror and uses words like sub-par and formulaic, you might just be the epitome of everything i despise in a person.


I so agree with you!

Please click on "reply" at the post you're responding to. Thanks.


Crakso said:
"A preaching theist that dislikes this great gore horror and uses words like sub-par and formulaic, you might just be the epitome of everything i despise in a person."

Well, Mr (or Ms) Crakso, you'd better add me to your "people to be despised" list because I, too, was so badly let down by this movie as I was hoping for something so much better to buck the trend of most contemporary horror movies. Yet "The Wolfman" is packed with every visual gimmick that the director can think of: kinetic camera movements, repetitive and unnecessary stings, blatantly obvious music cues that never cease (and are lifted from Coppola's Dracula movie: Danny Elfman should pay Wojciech Kilar), ridiculous levels of gore and absurd effects (this werewolf bounds about more like a superhero than a monster). Do you know, this film could have been made for HALF its budget, last HALF its length and yet be TWICE as good. As it stands, it's just a directorial ego trip as Joe Johnston intrudes into every frame.

I'm not a film-maker but I've been watching movies - good and bad - for over 50 years and you just know that most commercial mainstream directors of today have been to film school, studied all the techniques, know all about marketing and the latest movie technology. They can talk the talk, but they've lost the walk. They seem to have no feel for their art form's heritage. It's just a business and, like all businessmen, they think they know what's best as they ruin one good thing after another.

I can't remember when I felt so disappointed with a movie. It is guilty of the worst crimes that a horror thriller can commit - it's mind-numbingly boring thanks to its unsympathetic characters and turgid script, and it's not in the least bit scary. All those 'atmospheric' filtered shots of a heavily computer-enhanced Chatsworth House and those buckets of entrails and decapitated heads do not involve the senses of the viewer at all. So I guess the terms "sub-par" and "formulaic" are spot on.


As you went on and on and on with that soliloquy you said nothing. Thanks for that.


Please tell us what formula you perceived. You can't use the similarity in plot with the original Wolfman as this "formula", because it's a remake.


so many people here make excuses for just a poorly conceived film...

It is fun and games until someone gets caught. Then it's rape.


4- Almost all the actors are over the age of 21

not just that but almost all of them are over the age of 30

I am vengeance. I am the night. I AM BATMAN!!!

I'm the best at what I do


You can also add that the male and female lead had zero chemistry. Let's face it, the love story was flat. Not to mention that Benicio had zero charisma and Lon Chaney Jr. beat him in every way.


In something like this you really have to build a huge amount of empathy for the anti-hero because essentially they go around killing people who don't deserve it.

I think that they failed completely to do this. Even the other tricks - like having him loved by someone who should be empathetic didn't work as the relationships were so uninvolving. They also tried the usual trick of making the victims as unsympathetic as possible - but still there were still plenty of innocent bystanders who met a bloody end.

Becoming a werewolf/vampire whatever is a tragedy but we all know unconsciously that the moral thing to do then, rather than kill innocents, is to destroy yourself. It's very difficult to empathize for long with a character who doesn't.


first of all i loved the op.
secondly, referring so seriously that someone in the predicament of being a werewolf has the obligation to kill themselves....well people back then were mostly religious and those people think that suicide is a sin. i of course do not think this so i'll move on...lon chaney's wolfman did all kinds of things to kill himself and he just ended up rearing his furry head in the next horror film until they cured him in the house of is not that easy to kill yourself when you are member of the goblins and ghouls family.
thirdly, emily and benicio looked like they were painfully in love, as a matter of fact, they both look like that all the time even when they are not in a movie.


agreed. look at An American Werewolf in London. The tragic aspect of David's transformation, his memory loss, his inability to control or even diminish the impact of his actions, the love story doomed from the beginning, his subconscious telling him to kill himself through the visions of his dead friend -- all of these things did an amazing job of building the tension of what everyone knows is coming at the same time humanizing the main character as he becomes more and more of an animal. You feel terrible at the end and for good reason. Wolfman had nothing even approaching substance. While the style was, imho, fairly well done and making the film a period piece helped aid in the entertainment value, ultimately it was something that was, for lack of a better word, ...boring.


Benicio NoTalento times ten


CGI, erm, times 10.

"The day I don't find romance in a loaf of bread..."



Erm the film was 2 hours... at least the version i watched was.
And the make up effects were fantastic,.. but I'm not sure what you expected a wolfman make up and costume to look like??

Only thing i can agree with you on is the CGI.

People clearly have forgotten what theses monster movies were about.
It's a real shame today movie views are so warped and have be sucked dry of any imagination.. sad sad sad.


It had good atmosphere, and while not a great movie was a pretty good Halloweenish movie....up until the CGI crapfest at the end.

One of my biggest complaints about movies nowadays is that they don't know what they want to be. So many movies suffer from split personalities. Comedies turn into sad dramas, moody atmosphere gives way to over the top CG, the middles of action movies turn into blatant comedies, etc.


You forgot to add that benicio del toro is more scary looking as himself than as wolfman.


Um.... Benicio Del Toro was scary looking as himself??? I don't know what that means, he looked like he usually does.


How about the fact that the movie was boring all the way through.



I like Benicio and i like Sir anthony Hopkins,but I couldn't believe they could be father and son.



I find it funny that it seems like almost every here didn't catch what the OP was saying. When he gave his 10 reasons as to why it didn't do well, he was going after the audience of teenagers, and young adults. Kids who are so brainwashed from past horror movies, that if a movie doesn't have anything familiar, or something they presently like it's most of the time dismissed. For example, I saw 'The Fighter' with a large group of people, and they all said it was boring and crap. But that's another story. People on this post were pointing facts to this movie, in a analyzing sense as if he was referring to people who are open-minded about film. Kids don't give a CRAP about anything anyone said on here when it comes to a so-called decent film. In short, it's the younger audiences that make a movie a hit or a flop. He was saying that's how this flopped.

Enjoy life for you, and no one else.


It might sound quite strange, but I actually think this movie is pretty underrated, may it be the fact that the previous released werewolf film closest to this one was New Moon, or my opinion that it is pretty damn good at being a remake, or the just all around brutality to bystanders... that police officer in the gypsy camp... oye!

But the main reason I think this movie flopped is because people were seeing the other movie released the same weekend... the even more dreadful "Valentines Day". or maybe even the pacing of the film... which in my opinion was cleaned up in the unrated Bluray/DVD release.

"Are you gonna' bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna' bite?"


Funny. But you're making this overcomplicated. The movie has one fatal flaw, and that's all it needed to flop.

It's a remake. There are no surprises. It's all a predictable routine, so characters are just going through the motions. They have no possibility of engaging the audience. All that's left for viewers is to sit back and watch the pantomime and cool scenery.

Everyone who understood that skipped the theatrical release. Why intentionally watch a rerun when there are newer things available? It was asking to flop.

I finally got around to seeing it yesterday on cable. I'm surprised it didn't bore me, and it looked fantastic (except for lame shirtless wolfman). They did a good job. But it's still basically a story everyone already knows by heart before they see it.

It's hard to get excited about the same old same old, even with a nice makeover.


Ocean’s 11 was a remake, The Italian Job was a remake, Father of the Bride was a remake, Scarface was a remake. So remakes can do well.


You're right that remakes can do well. Movies like the ones you listed were re-imagined and updated for different audiences who never heard of the originals or were at least unlikely to already know every twist and turn.

The Wolfman did just the opposite and depended on widespread familiarity with the original story to fill seats.

Because the basic premise/formula has been expanded upon and embellished in every storytelling medium since, all a simple retelling could offer is nostalgia. It's selling the 1.0 version of an archetypal story others have taken way past 10. And that makes it different even from other remakes that depended on pop-culture appeal like Charlie's Angels or Lost in Space.

My whole point is just there's no need to blame the lack of teen-movie tropes for why The Wolfman didn't do better. It's not bad, it just doesn't promise anything new enough to make itself worth immediate attention before you see it. Then by simply giving you what you expected, it wasn't destined to generate any buzz after.


so you would rather have wolfman fighting sparkling vampires and only wild animals, because frankly, nobody ever expected that.


"There are no surprises."

The_Secret_Skull: What do you call the entire plotline involving Anthony Hopkins if not a surprise. I'm sure all those familiar with the original were surprised by that.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies
