No, bill....Dracula Untold was SUPPOSED to be the start of the Dark Universe (much like Green Lantern was SUPPOSED to be the start of the DCEU)
from what I remember, Dracula Untold was only "Turned" into part of the Dark Universe in way post Production after Cruise came on board for The Mummy....
They then shot a Post credit scene for Untold..
But Dracula Untold was orginalyl greenlit,produced and made with no intentions of a universe....
but I must say, Your argument that Dracula Untold makes The Dark Universe is a bigger failure is actually the opposite...
Dracula Untold was actually a Hit and The Studios made a Good Profit on the film...Dracula Untold was made on a 70 Million Budget and make 217 Million WW....
I'm sorry but Dracula Untold If anything can only be counted as a success..
but again, No one really thought of Dracula Untold as part of The Dark Universe....The Dark Universe was thought of and created when Cruise came on Board for The Mummy, They then did The Production picture With Cruise,Depp,Crow and Bardem
Notice Luke Evans isnt in the picture?
thats because Dracula Untold really wasnt part of The Dark Universe...The entire film was made and completed before there was any intentions of starting the Dark Universe....
but again even if you want to consider Dracula Untold Part.....that Means The Dark Universe was actually 1 for 2 and NOT 0 for Untold was actually a hit....
therefor, I'm sorry but 1 for 2 is better than 1 for 5....
The DCEU shit the bed with 4 out of 5 films....
The Dark Universe shit the bed with 1 out of 2 films(if we count Untold)
also worth noting again, The Dark Universe Did not Literally Damage ICONIC characters....
The Mummy was never a 1 Billion + earner that lost 40% of its audience and earner power....
Batman Literally suffered Irreparable damage from being Part of the DCEU.....Batman was a proven Billion dollar box office draw before Snyder got a hold of him The Damage done to the character with BvS and JL literally resulted in Batman Losing over 40% of its drawing Power and audience...
Suicide Squad Is Now being rebooted because The Movie was so awful
The Joker is being rebooted
Superman movies arent even being considered because WB feels the character is damaged
and again NOTHING can account for The damage done to The Justice League franchise....
say what you will about The Dark Universe, The Mummy,Wolfman,Dracula.....None had the potential box office revenue of a Justice League franchise(Literally a potential 5 film franchise that could gross over 7 Billion) and Its DEAD after 1 Film where WB lost 60 Million...
The Dark Universes failure dont even come close to 1 of The failures in the DCEU let alone all of them combined