First off, I am not gay although I am a gay rights activist. I can't stand hearing people bash someone over their sexuality when most of the time they don't even bother to try and get to know the person and men who admit they are gay are automatically labeled as "girly" when some of them act the same as heterosexual men do. A few years ago, they did an autopsy on several people who were gay and several people who were straight. What they found was that the gay people had this chemical imbalance that the straight people didn't have which is believed to be the reason why they are attracted to the same sex rather than the opposite sex and proving that it's not a choice. Why would anyone want to go through life getting judged badly about their sexuality if there was a way to control it? Use to, people would get arrested for being gay, so why would they take that chance if they could just stop liking the same sex? I really hate how people don't take the time to learn about this stuff before judging it. A person's sexuality doesn't have anything to do with the way they run a business, the way they fight in a war, the way they drive a car, or anything else that heterosexuals do to.

Proud Leo fan since 1993


Jesus was gay....He even had a little community of 12 like minded individuals who liked to spread love.



Virtually all homosexuals were sexually abused and even raped in theit formative years or came from dysfunctional families. George Michael admitted that he turned to other men for comfort because he had a strained relationship with his father. Look at all the issues gay have: promiscuity with hundreds of partners aka sex addiction, rampant STDs, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence incl. domestic violence and high suicide rates. Thus, gays have a much shorter life expectancy. Now tell us how healthy and normal it is. God Almighty is smarter than humans. To promote homosexuality as congenital means downplaying the dangers of sexual abuse.


Tell me, if people had no choice in having sex, just how often would rape happen in our everyday lives? Adults make choices to have sex, or not to have sex every day, no matter what orientation we have. Anyone who claims that you can't make a choice in such an activity completely ignores the fact that human beings are the higher creatures because we can ignore our instincts and urges, and make choices all the time. Nobody has forced gay people to go sticking their extensions where they don't belong, nobody forces straight people to rape people of the opposite sex all the time.

Any idiot who claims they don't have a choice in being gay, or that they were born that way, is basically not taking responsibility for their actions, and playing the victim to get sympathy out of morons like the OP; when in fact, they are not victims at all, particularly towards collateral damage they do to themselves as well as others with their destructive lifestyle.

One thing they refuse to admit is, people have been able to walk away from the gay lifestyle. THEY had the ability to make the choice not to be gay, and were stronger people for it. Don't believe me? There are several testimonies you can read about online. The Velvet Mafia doesn't want anyone to know about this, and they get really nasty towards those who walk away, for they see them as traitors to their cause. They'll even go Sour Grapes and claim "oh, they were never gay to begin with." Nice, but we're not buying it.

It is as much a choice as choosing whether to argue with idiots without a cause; or being the adult, walking away, and letting karma whoop their ass instead.
