Are you retarded?

Maybe the movie would be good to you then.

This is the WORST movie I have ever seen. Horrible acting, every line made me cringe or laugh out of stupidity. Who cares if it was a true story(which was not accurate even though the story is a horrible event).

Who ever thought this was a good movie, they cant be older than 12 years old. How did it win awards? And what were they even for?

Please don't waste two hours of your life, I am going to call the diretor and demand my two hours back, I would demand the money, but I didn't waste my money on this piece.


Worst movie? Check out existenz

"...If you have an issue, here a tissue"


People who can say a film is the best or the worst movie they have ever seen obviously has not seen a lot of movies in their lives. Especially if they say so every single week about different ones


Existenz is a classic. This movie however, is total garbage. Couldn't agree with the OP more.


The simplistic logic and limited vocabulary displayed in this post makes me think that you are very young.


It's really a TERRIBLE movie. My guess is that people only like it for the remote connection to the real story that actually happened. Only, this being the movies, the crazy bitch gets what's coming to her and the poor homeless guy makes it out alive. Too bad reality isn't anywhere near this.

Entire scenes were not only pointless, but incredibly cheesy. Of course, they were added because this is a premise that could be explained over the course of no more than 30 minutes, so lots of filler was needed. There wasn't a single likeable character in the whole movie (except maybe the little kid). Are we really supposed to feel sorry for a homeless guy who apparently is homeless because he didn't bother getting another job after being laid off as a project manager, and who ignores street signs and walks out into traffic?

There are silly cliches everywhere in this movie, and the attempts at humor only serve to make the film seem even more of a smack in the face of the poor guy whose death this movie was based on. Oh, and how can I forget the ironically preachy social commentary that is shoved into the viewer's face every ten minutes? "Look! ANOTHER person ignored the homeless man!"

I thought the concept of having an entire movie based around a guy stuck in a phone booth was bad. Then I saw this and realized that an entire movie based around a guy stuck in a windshield is even worse. I'd rather watch Paranormal Activity (another complete piece of garbage that people on IMDB seem to love) than this.


If your time is so valuable, then why did you waste your time posting a diatribe of how anybody who likes it is retarded?

- Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine


I think you are from a rival movie company and all your that anger is out of jealous.


I am going to call the diretor and demand my two hours back

Are you retarded?


You obviously haven't seen Blood Shack, The Meateater, Axem, Zombiez, any Andy Milligan film, Horror House on Highway 5, Ghoul School, etc. I could easily continue.

But come on man, calling someone names because they like something you didn't? How immature is that?

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.

