Am i the only one who liked LWW better?!

Am i?!


I enjoyed LLW better myself. PC is not a bad movie by any means, but it struggles with an inconsistent tone and too many mood swings.


The first one was magical and really drew me in.

(I am talking here about the movies now; not about the books as that is a different discussion).

The second movie failed for me along the very elements that worked so well for me in the first movie.

1) First one magical; second one dull with only enough magical elements thrown in to be able to use the word 'Narnia' and the Pevensies in the story -- even the costuming was dull in the 2nd one, compared to the first one. The closest they get to the 'magical' feel of the first film in PC is Lucy's dream of Aslan, but the film quality of that is not as clean and crisp as what we see throughout the first film (I have blu-rays of both movies -- you can play both films at the same time, side by side, and see what I mean regarding the difference in crispness and cinematography quality, from the first film to the second).

2) The first one had gorgeous scenery filmed gorgeously -- the second one has some scenic value (such as along the river), but too much of it is that standard blue-wash look we see in so many current films and the scenes that don't look 'blue' and are 'brighter' still look somewhat washed out -- that just adds to the drip-drip-drip solemn feel I got from PC (which was then supposed to be 'lightened up' by that silly mouse, I guess) -- I felt inspired by the end of the first one -- I felt dragged through the mill by the end of the 2nd one.

3) Peter and his 'angst' just did not work for me in PC -- was unnecessary and made him look petty and small (as opposed to how he grew into being King Peter the Magnificent in the first one)-- if they HAD to have tension between Caspian and Peter (which I really don't think was necessary), they could have done a better job instead of having Peter regress to a pouty, spoiled teen attitude through so much of the story;

4) I felt the second one just deteriorated into a feudal castle/battle movie. There are other films much better than PC that have those themes, and I don't watch a 'Narnia' movie for that -- I can see some of that played out if essential and as backdrop, but not in so much of the movie as it was in PC;

5) Music was much better in the first one, and was part of the entire 'feel' of the film in the first one;

6) The darker elements and good vs. evil was drawn well and was much superior to what they tried to show in the 2nd one (castle / heir-to-the-thrown intrigue -- blah);

7) In the first one, Aslan says 'once a king and queen of Narnia, always a king and queen, etc.'. So, why are two of the children told at the end of PC that they can't return? That seems inconsistent to me.

8) The entry back to Narnia was so rushed in PC. Kids are complaining about missing Narnia, then feel twitchy-itchy, Susan decides they should all hold hands, then they are on the beach scampering around. Just stupid.

9) 'Susan's' make-up was awful in the PC.

10) The first movie felt like awakening and inspiring promise -- the second one felt like we were walking through an overgrown tomb.

I wanted to be able to see a sequel that made me feel as swept away as the first one did. And, if not that, at least to be an interesting movie that at least attempted to explore and develop themes we had in the first one.

Instead, I feel we got a movie that the director wanted to make for his own reasons (he even said he wanted to be able to break out and have fun with more battle scenes in the 2nd one, which I think helps to explain its inferior quality. The first film culminated in an inevitable battle and one that was interesting, unique, and extraordinary. The battle scenes to me in the 2nd one are just ordinary fare and seemed more for the director's 'fun time' than for sticking with the truly magical -- as opposed to PC's hurried magic special effects thrown in -- unique qualities of the first one).

I was sorely disappointed in PC.

To me, there is only ONE good movie about the story of Narnia and the Pevensie children and that was the first one.

To sum it up for me: The first one was Magical; the second one was basically Medieval, with some Clash of the Titans and Lord of the Rings thrown in.


"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."
