Meagan claiming her son "died"

I was reading her comments left on a photo she posted, she made a claim that because the embryo didn't take her "son had died". I found this highly offensive, as someone who has actually lost a baby before birth.


An embryo represents life. When it ceases to grow, ending life it is a death. You may be surprised at how many people believe.

Not only Christians, but many folks believe life begins at conception. For myself, if I had frozen embryos stored somewhere, I could not begin to ponder them being destroyed.

Such is the nature of scientific development. Today we have new circumstances to ponder. Religion, science and personal emotions mix to create different decisions and opinions.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I personally miscarried at twelve weeks, and once at five months. Both losses were equally difficult for me, and for my husband. The length of the pregnancies had nothing to do with our grief. It was the loss of the life we created and our hope for the unborn.

So truly sorry for your losses. I also miscarried at 12 weeks and another at 13 weeks. The day I found out I was pregnant with these 2 angels, I called them my babies. You are absolutely right that the length does not matter. A loss is a loss and it's a very difficult one to go through.


Blondie, thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for your tragic losses as well. It is my belief that we will one day be reunited with those precious souls.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


It was a loss. She has the right to mourn the loss in the manner to which she is affected by it.

Clearly it hurt her deeply and therefore she reacted accordingly. She also disclosed that she suffers from depression for which she seeks treatment. I would imagine that her diagnosis played a role in how she felt about it as well.

We are all different and we all accept things differently.
