Meagan claiming her son "died"

I was reading her comments left on a photo she posted, she made a claim that because the embryo didn't take her "son had died". I found this highly offensive, as someone who has actually lost a baby before birth.



No that is not what the OP said. She is currently pregnant with a girl


It's her right to feel how she does about losing her embryo. To her she felt she lost a child. No one should dictated how she should feel or react about it. It doesnt mean your pain of losing you child is any less important then hers. Sorry for your loss.


I agree. Being blessed with a boy and girl myself, the thought that one of them would be lost early in the pregnancy devastates me (just thinking about it!) Maybe Meghan just felt the loss hard. Another person might have just seen it as a fetus, and not been so attached. However she felt is how she felt; no judgement needed.

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


I'm so sorry for your loss. One thing I have learned is that we cannot quantify grief. Megan's pain and loss was her own, and she is entitled to feel it. True, you had a longer period of time to bond with your unborn baby, and then to lose that baby had to be terribly painful. This was Megan's first pregnancy and she doesn't know anything different, and I'm sure her comments were not meant to hurt anyone.


There was no son, it was an embryo that did not take. What about the third embryo she chose not to implant? Does that imply she aborted her third child?


One thing I have learned is that we cannot quantify grief.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.


Na, she chose to implant the embryo and was invested in the baby emotionally. Also,it's probably going to be the only kid she'll ever have. She has a right to her grief.

Your future is all used up


Now you're being ridiculous and insensitive to someone else's plight and pain. Stop! How dare you.


I agree. I'm sorry, I'm not being unsympathetic towards any woman out there that has miscarried, but an embryo not even taking is NOT the same as a miscarriage. Not at all. And, to me, it's just self-involved drama by a young woman who has nothing more substantial going on her life that she is desperate for the security of having her neanderthal husband's spawn, thus ensuring future support when the marriage goes south. Which it will. I don't know these people....but I know them. She is a trophy bride. She looks like she's about 16. She got the ring on her finger, the lifestyle that accompanies it, and now she needs the spawn. Then....when her man-child husband grows tired of it and starts screwing around...which he will....and they divorce, she'll get a nice settlement. It's an age old story.

I don't think Meagan is a particularly bad person....especially on this show. But I do think she's young...too young for that guy because they just look weird father/daughter...and probably too young for the women on this show.

I DO think that she hasn't proven herself to be a very loyal friend to Kelly. She has not once stood up for her, defended her or had her back. Not really. And she of all people should know what these beyotches are like to deal with.

It's all smoke and mirrors in the OC.


she is *beep* ing crazy! and I'm very sorry for your loss:(


She also lost a baby before birth.

You aren't special.



What an intelligent response.

However, nothing about it refutes my point regarding Meghan losing a child.



She is actually experiencing this loss, you know. And some people are able to express that loss in front of other people.

Regardless, she thought she'd have two babies, but only wound up with one. She's allowed to feel however she feels about that.


She has the right to be upset, but for her to call it her child or son when she leaves her third embryo to be unborn or terminated is hypocritical.


It is her child.

And what are you talking about 'leaving her third embryo to dissolve'?

Are you not familiar with this subject? Then you should be silent.



They chose for it not to be born, I assume they save it or get rid of it. I doubt she in donating it.





She's a known bully on many boards.


Big girl subjects? Lol!!


I think this is topic where people have to agree to respectfully disagree. People define the start of human life differently, often depending on their religious beliefs or personal ethics.

I was not comfortable with the conversations Meagan and Kelly had surrounding this topic. The way they insinuated choosing designer babies was distasteful. It sounded like Nazi-era eugenics. I think in vitro is a powerful medical advancement that helps loving families achieve their dreams, but the process needs to be handled with reverence and solemnity. The father should have been there; the Bravo cameras should have not.



Did they say what they did with the third embryo---because I missed it. For all we know they are being frozen, donated, etc--no reason to auto-assume she "didn't care"


I agree. It wasn't remotely close to being a person. It was a fertilized egg in a Petri dish that did not stick to the uterine wall. However, she became emotionally invested and thought she was definitely going to have twins


Not to mention she believed the psychic who thought she might have 2 kids last season! 

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by shelbyrichards » 8 hours ago (Sun Oct 2 2016 21:27:18) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since June 2016
I agree. It wasn't remotely close to being a person. It was a fertilized egg in a Petri dish that did not stick to the uterine wall. However, she became emotionally invested and thought she was definitely going to have twins

That fertilized egg likely meant a lot more to her than it would to you. To her, it is part of the process of creating life. A fertilized egg does represent life and the fact it was not viable, to her, it was a loss. The fact that science is more involved in procreation now has changed how people look at the whole process, when life begins and ends. I'm pretty sure, without knowing them, they think of any other of their embryos much more reverently than anyone writing messages on an IMBD board, myself included.

I personally miscarried at twelve weeks, and once at five months. Both losses were equally difficult for me, and for my husband. The length of the pregnancies had nothing to do with our grief. It was the loss of the life we created and our hope for the unborn.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I personally miscarried at twelve weeks, and once at five months. Both losses were equally difficult for me, and for my husband. The length of the pregnancies had nothing to do with our grief. It was the loss of the life we created and our hope for the unborn.


I bought some powdered water but didn't know what to add to it.


Thank you, Tioga. You are uncommonly kind.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
