I personally like these adaptations of kids books:
Offhand I can think of several decent kid-book movies (or stand alone):
Willy Wonka (old version) Matilda Tuck Everlasting City of Ember Eragon Neverending Story
But somehow they never get good ratings - what, not enough sex? C'mon people! I think City of Ember was done very well, Tuck Everlasting didn't need to be a teen romance but it was okay. Inkhart was pretty good, not great but good - better than it's success indicates.
Well I thought the Eragon movie was horrible. But the others were good. I think with Inkheart it was the delay of release and lack of advertisement that hurt it.
Hmmm well Willy Wonka, Matilda, Tuck Everlasting and The Neverending Story were pretty successfull i think.
Eragon slaughtered the book and thats about all i can say on the matter. Ive not seen City of Ember so i cant comment.
But Inkheart was a complete drag...it should have been good but for some reason it just wasnt It had everyhting going for it, good actors, big names, good director, good story, good visuals etc etc...but it was just a complete borefest for me.
However i see your point, alot of the movies deserve more success than they have i agree with you there. Its a shame.
Unfortunately, the book adaptions aren't exceeded to their fullest height like they should be. I believe it's because critics are far more interested with adult content, violence, some car explosions and etc. That seems to be catching their eye. My recommendation is that they start reading books.
Not sure. I think it has to do with how it's just hard to explain what the movie is about in a 30 second ad. Either you get it, and want to see the movie, or you don't and...well you get the picture. I liked the film and I really liked City of Ember. My hope is they find a larger audience on DVD/Blu-ray.
I never saw Matilda, City of Ember or Neverending Story, but I though Eragon wans't nearly as good as it could have been. It seemed like a rotting carcass of the book. Tuck Everlasting, that one was....stupid. I didn't like it. Willy Wonka was pretty good, and I think Inkheart was done well. Not perfect, certainly, but I see that the changes that were made were necessary. Like you said, it's much better than its success indicates.
Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly
IMO it's because they are made by studios that don't care enough about the films. It's easy to be critical of Disney being all sickly sweet and idealistic etc, but the thing they did back in th eearly days up to the late 70's was care about making "original" films for kids. Quite often they would be especially written screenplays. Films like; That Darn Cat, Digby The Biggest Dog in the World, Blackbeards Ghost, The Love bug and it's verious sequels. This isn't to say they didn't do adaptations of existing novels such as Mar poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, but the main thing by commisioning their own stories and screenplays they showed they were interested in making good films that kids would like and have a good level of quality. These days studios seem to be happy to just look at which books are popular sign up the rights so another studio can't make a version even if they don't make one and then churn something out if they can be bothered or just before their rights run out. None of those films listed with the exception of the original Willy Womka one had any real promotion to it and had the feel of let's make the film version so it's been done and concentrate on the "real films" like the blockbusters and the ones with huge merchandising oportunities.
The merchandising is also an area where these films fall down. Most were made before it was known just how lucrative merchandising is for a company. But, were you to look at what merchandising oportunities you have, it is limited. Yes you can do scrap books, posters, pencil cases etc but there is limited shelf life on those. Once the film is out of the cinema the sales will drop off with those. It's hard to make cuddly toys, T Shirts, etc whisch have a longer shelf life. You can always create a new beanie or a new t shirt design every few months that the fans will buy.
I think that is why despite the success of the james bond franchise of films nobody has bought up the rights to the kids James Bond Jnr books. Even if they get it right and make good films there isn't much money in it away from the box office takings. That film would most likely end up in with the above list. Good films, but not a masssive success because it's not pushed enough.
I agree with a lot of what you said. I also don't think it's possible, or even necessary, for all good films to make tons of money. Why is it always about money? I hate when one of my favorite books, like Ella Enchanted, gets made into a movie with big stars and "box office appeal", and then turns out to be the most awful thing I've ever seen. And you know that because of that crappy thing, there will never be a real, good movie version, when it has so much potential to be great. The Oscar-oriented films don't worry about making money, because they know they'll get prestige, and that will lead to more money in the future. Why can't the book-based films do the same?
Stardust was also a good movie, with good actors and characters; but it didn't do well in the box office. I think the reason is because fantasy movies are middle ground. They are too adult for kids and too kiddish for adults & teens. Unless it has a huge following like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, it can't get any audience.
Well, I haven´t seen the movie yet, but I definitely want to! Becoz when I saw the trailer I got hook, and I read the first book, and absolutely love it so far.
I find the trailer, and the story very fascinating.
I really don´t know why this movie is also a flop
There you have Prince Caspian, has everything to rule, great movie, better than the first one in certain way, and I don´t see why people think is so bad, and I don´t care ¡I love it!
This box office and success issue is something no one can have for granted. And box office doesn´t SAY a movie is good or bad.
OMFG. I saw City of Ember like two weeks ago, and I know there are 3 other books, but the movie was fantastic! I really wanted sequels to that film but it won't because of the bad box office. Narnia was pulled out by Disney, which I also was quite saddened by, but, thankfully, it got picked up by 20th Century Fox.
I'm one of those people who cares for sequels if I happen to see them and they end up turning out to be great films. I really don't care if a film that doesn't do well in the box office don't have sequels because I don't watch them. Yes, I'm talking about Eragon and The Seeker, along with the cancellation of Arrested Development. Yes, I'm selfish.
Books can afford to be targeted toward a specific audience, in this case to young people who are into the fantasy genre. Movies, on the other hand, have to have a wider appeal, because their one objective is to make money. Therefore, fantastic books get slaughtered when made into movies (*ahem* Eragon).