'white girl'

ok we all know it is totally unexceptable and wrong for a white person to call a black person the "N" word. but doesn't anyone find it wrong for the head black cheerleader to keep calling brittney "white girl"? it is really starting to piss me off.

Silly Rabbit...


I didn't find anything wrong with the saying "white girl" in the film. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


People are still commenting on this, so I'll put in my own.

I think the reason white people are so angry about this, is not because if they were to call a black person the n-word, but because if the situation was reversed and a black person was called 'black girl', you could be sure that that person/persons, would be labelled a racist, and rightly so. The 'white girl' would have seriously been overlooked if it was not said so many times.

It was not meant as a joke. It was meant to insult, and be racist. I realize it's only a movie, but look at other movies that deal with racism against black people, asians, middle-easterns, etc. Their topics have way more people commenting on how wrong it is to label someone solely for their color of skin. For anyone to tell me that white people shouldn't be offended because of it being 'only a movie' is in dreamland.

I'm not revealing my race, because it doesn't matter. Racism is racism. Prejudice is prejudice. Just look at that word, prejudice....prejudge. And yes, just because white people are the majority in America, 'minorities' can still be prejudiced. I'll just say that I'm in a minority and experience prejudice in my everyday life.

One last thing.... there's no racist word out there, other than the n-word, that we say just by its beginning letter. There are so many words against all races, not just that one.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


Ah, white people all butt hurt just because someone calls them white. I don't support Camille's behavior, but after decades of making a spectacle of Black people, their features (black face, making black characters the only people in movies to have a sassy personality-to name a few) , black people's hair, putting white women on a pedestal, and all the other numerous things that have went down, and now we have a movie where both whites and blacks are portrayed poorly, and white people want to whine that black people are all of a sudden ''allowed and getting away'' with being racist toward whites.

white people, trust me, a large majority of blacks do not really even care enough to hate or be racist toward black people.

FYI, in black culture, black people usually find a unique quality about a person and call them by that. If a girl in the neighborhood wears her hair in pigtails all the time, she'll get the name ''pigtails''. I personally know a girl who is half black and half white, and everyone calls her ''white girl''. The tallest girl is called ''tall stuff''. the Asian girl is called ''chinese girl''. This appearance label has been present not only in black communities, but many other minority communities. It is not insulting.

White people act like ''everything is cool now, all black people do it cry racism''. so ok, there is absolutely no reason for blacks to complain about racism, because there is absolutely none left in America. nope. So fine, we can't complain and thats cool. But if we can't complain, then no one else can either. end of.


This entire post is ridiculous. STOP PULLING THE RACE CARD. Learn the definition of Racism before you leave idiotic comments. The ONLY reason racism is alive today is because of people(of any race) bringing crap up. Get over it. Yes I said it. GTFO it. Grow some balls and deal with it. It is a movie. A movie. Racism is NEVER right. Stop complaining about sh!t. It's annoying from any race. Unless you yourself has been personally discriminated to the point it hinders your life...i wouldn't worry about it. But this is a movie about fictional characters. Don't like the film(which I thought was utterly stupid anyway) don't watch it. Realize that it is not real, but just a deadbeat flick. Did they tell her she couldn't join the squad because she was WHITE? no. Did they throw rocks at her or send her death threats??? NO. they called her a white girl, which she is white, although the context shows prejudice its NOTHING to get worked up about. Same thing goes if the character was asian/hispanic or black. If any of you whiners had something called a brain...you would realize that this is how the movie is supposed to be. Let's not forget it's a film..... Because of this post even being here I know this world will always continue to be so offended and hateful. Grow up, You sound like 5 year olds pointing fingers. Ignorance looks terrible on ALL sides.


I have to disagree with part of your statement...maybe as someone who lives in the states you don`t see the racism but as a person looking from the outside. You can`t say that racism has completly disappeared from the States or else you would be fooling yourself. It is still there and present till this day but it is not as bad as it use to be. The thing is there are certian areas in the states that have active racism. Trust me I know I am hispanic and they there are certian areas I can`t go becuase of the prejudice they hold and that goes along with black people as well.

I am not saying that all white people are rasit it just racism in the states has not completely gone away. it still present and if you look closely it cracks start to show.


Late but I don't care. I love the fact that you guys are butt hurt about how the the white girl, Britney was called a white girl but you are glossing over Winnie's little tirade about "yo baby daddy (among other really offensive things)." Where is the outrage about that? The OP was "getting pissed?" Please. In what world does being called "white girl" equate on any level to being called the n-word? Or really any word that is reserved for people of color? Or the aforementioned tirade at the end of the movie? You can call black people hypocrites all you want but maybe that "hypocrisy" is your failure or unwillingness to recognize that you have skewed idea of what is and is not racism.


You need outrage about what we know is wrong, and hear about it EVERY SINGLE DAY?

How is referring to a human being by her sex and gender- which are, you know, to people who want EQUALITY supposed to be irrelevant- not degrading? Suppose she called Solange "black girl". oh, suddenly it is racist? I also like how you ignore the vanilla latte comment. Oh, and the coffee thing.

You deal with your own skewed idea of racism- or what it is not. No, wait, you won't, because you're a racist and a hypocrite for it. And of course, blame whitey for your own failure. Wow, way to perpetuate an ugly stereotype and put down the race you're trying and failing to defend. Ah, "minority" privilege shines brightly again.

Here, let me try a little trick reversingracism at tumblr does:

I love the fact that you guys are butt hurt about how the the black girl, Camille was called a black girl but you are glossing over her little comment about "vanilla latte (among other really offensive things)." Where is the outrage about that? Black people are "getting pissed?" Please. In what world does being called "black girl" equate on any level to being called the c-word? Or really any word that is reserved for whites? Or the aforementioned comment at the end of the movie? You can call white people hypocrites all you want but maybe that "hypocrisy" is your failure or unwillingness to recognize that you have skewed idea of what is and is not racism.

Unless you still want to pretend this movie isn't racist to support your racist double standards.

Though you're dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace


You see, I think that "white girl" is the same as "black girl." I honestly don't really have a problem with people calling me "black girl" or "white girl." I guess it may be different considering I'm biracial. However, I think the n word would be the same as calling a white person a cracker or another racial slur and that is wrong. But at the end of the day, if it is meant to be hateful, then it is not ok to say it.


Is any one commenting truly offended by the use of white girl, or are you just upset that you feel whites cant use black girl (in public) with no uproar? As if in your every day lives you don't possibly describe people by saying things like " black Kelly", where the white girl named Kelly would just be Kelly.

One minute white people love to denounce the race card, the next minute you're claiming to be offended by some *beep*


Is any one commenting truly offended by the use of white girl, or are you just upset that you feel whites cant use black girl (in public) with no uproar? As if in your every day lives you don't possibly describe people by saying things like " black Kelly", where the white girl named Kelly would just be Kelly.

One minute white people love to denounce the race card, the next minute you're claiming to be offended by some bull.


well i dont think you can compare then word and white girl.....but just imagine if whites called every black person HEY BLACK BOY, or HEY BLACK GIRL.....SOUNDS A LITTLE RACIST DONT YA THINK?

