MovieChat Forums > Saw III (2006) Discussion > Did the Rack torture freak anyone else o...

Did the Rack torture freak anyone else out?

Hello everybody,
I have seen the first three saw films. The first and second ones weren't too bad, however, the rack torture on the third one was disgusting and I found it quite sickening, almost emotional. The image of the guy's head twisting around has stuck in my brain ever since I watched it about three months ago... Does anyone else have the same feeling?
P.S. could Jeff have saved the guy on the rack? I mean, do you actually think there was a place for the key?


Not at all. It's just a movie. It has to be real life torture to get to me emotionally. For example read the following about a teenager who tortured his victim over a 43 hour period by breaking multiple bones:


I was in that, the more you keep your eyes open, the more tired and fall sleep you get. Then when I shut the tv off, I was in that less intense lull, and like in 30-2minutes, I had an outter body experience, that amanda was in the doorway, wanting to slit my throat.

at that scene.

you *beep* elitist
