MovieChat Forums > Saw III (2006) Discussion > Did the Rack torture freak anyone else o...

Did the Rack torture freak anyone else out?

Hello everybody,
I have seen the first three saw films. The first and second ones weren't too bad, however, the rack torture on the third one was disgusting and I found it quite sickening, almost emotional. The image of the guy's head twisting around has stuck in my brain ever since I watched it about three months ago... Does anyone else have the same feeling?
P.S. could Jeff have saved the guy on the rack? I mean, do you actually think there was a place for the key?


I loved it
But I'm weird like that


I just bought the unrated edition on blu-ray and it seemed worst the first time I saw it on the big screen. In fact, it seems like you see Jeff look into his face after he gets the key and then all of a sudden, his head is twisted all the way around.

We're not some California tofu-eatin Nordic-trackin freaks who wanna live past 50!


Rack freaked me out, but dear god the one where he has to pull the chains out of his skin, that one gets to me every time.

Machete don't text


Hell yeah it freaked me out!! I'm a pretty hardcore horrror-film fan, and I had my head between my knees, hyperventilating like a mother fecker when I first saw it at the cinema. It was just WAY more brutal than anything I'd seen so far

"A day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charlie Chaplin


It sure freaked me out! Why does Canada need a queen?


The thing that I noticed was, after just a few seconds the guy's bones started breaking and snapping through the skin..... So even if the main guy did go and put the key in, the guy wouldn't have been able to move and still probably would have died from blood loss.... it's like what jigsaw said to the girl he was teaching... "you're games are unfair"


Wasn't it Hoffman who set it up? not Amanda.

Why fight a war, when we all die in the end?


I'm not sure (missed the first 30 minutes) but I remember at one point the girl was saying how since the old guy was sick, she had to step in... Now I don't know if that means she had to set it all up, or if she just watched the cameras. This was the first saw I've seen, so I'm not to sure on how it all works


Have you seen saw 6? Im pretty sure amanda was helping john while he was sick and hoffman was the one who did the trap, amanda also confronted him about it too I think...but I know for a fact that he dumped timmothy's body on the ground out of a wheelbarrow.

Why fight a war, when we all die in the end?


No I never watched saw 6... But I understand what you're saying... I was just a little confused when she said she was helping him, I didn't know if that included setting the traps to... Thanks


any time, and you should really watch six it shows you quite a bit about saw 3 and a little bit before saw one I believe. 5 shows hoffmans motives if you havn't seen that one too.

Why fight a war, when we all die in the end?


Saw 6 is on Netflix's instant.. So I might watch that today


alright, be sure to tell me what you thought of it.

Why fight a war, when we all die in the end?


I think there was a place for the key, because *spoiler alert* remember in the 6th movie, it was the detective building the rack, not the girl... the girl was wheeling around John, while the detective was building 'the rack' and since he followed Jigsaws rules better, unlike the girl (i seriously just watched the 3rd one again and forgot her name) who never made an escape for any of the victims

No One Can Teach You To See


I got very upset and felt sick after watching that scene. I thought overall this movie was very good and it's my second favorite in the series but I haven't been able to watch it again. I can't get that scene out of my mind.


It was a gruesome scene , but I cannot watch the head operation scene. And I have a strong stomach too.


I must be weird, because The Rack didn't bother me at all.

The only thing that really got to me was the Shotgun Carousel in Saw VI. Seeing all six people beg for their lives knowing four of them had to die was hard to watch.

Says a lot about their acting, I suppose.


I didnt think it was bad...? The pig trap was wayyyyyyyyyyyy worse IMO

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


I've seen every movie, and that's the only I have a hard time with. The tick tick tick doesn't help.


He got what he deserved for killing that little boy.


This rack torture scene made me sick to my stomach...I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. The clicking and crunching...ew. Covered my eyes the majority of the time. Another scene that grossed me out was the brain surgery.

