MovieChat Forums > Jumper (2008) Discussion > 1,000 Things I Learned From Jumper

1,000 Things I Learned From Jumper

1 - If you're kinda dumpy looking, but want to make that leap from small town screen extra to Lead Actress, get inserted into the main coverage angle of a bar scene, and constantly look at the camera.

2 - If you're a 13 year old actor playing the "younger" version of a 20 year old actor, don't worry, they'll fix it using digital effects.



You could at least get your facts straight...
a) double the first number
b) halve the second

"David no. No, David. David. No David, don't do it. David, it's dangerous. David? David? No, David, no." That's close enough to an exact quote.


#45 Yes your sweetheart will conveniently have stayed in the exact same town for 8 years just ready for you to pick her up
#46 Yes it's perfectly fine to beat to a pulp and leave an innocent man in a bank vault to perish,when he once pissed you off by throwing your snowglobe and playfully slapped the ass of a girl you ONCE knew.
#47 Yes a mothers coldness and preference to a brutal government society over you her son is totally natural and unquestionable not worth crying about at all, not for a second eh david?

And normally I'm not as pathetic as to go on a message board and vent, but the inconsistencies and ridiculousness of the film were really dissapointing even my 10 year old brother was like OH CMOOONNNN, I just think that its a pity this concept was wasted, and was fitted into 80 mins. I think there needed to be a bit longer to develop ideas and characters, instead of putting in cars and sex to make it seem slick.



#48 (okay, this is a different take on 37) Off limits areas in the Colosseum are sealed off by doors with iron bars far enough apart to fit your arm through to reach the door handle but can only be opened from the other side and require no key.

#49 The white haired guy will keep your girlfriend with him as bait, but will merely beat up your father until in critical condition then leave him unsupervised long enough for you to sneak in and jump him to the hospital.

#50 While on a crazy joy ride you can jump your Mercedes all around in order to avoid hitting anyone without the disturbance you make causing other drivers to get into horrible accidents as they respond to the sudden appearance and disappearance of an extra vehicle on a busy motorway.

#51 When in trouble, there's no better place to escape to than your friendly public library.

How far up would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck up?



# 47 his mother was not part of a government society she was part of a religious sect.She saved his life twice .Still a dead beat but it is her religion.

On some level I knew that when I 1st saw this movie, yet somehow I really hadn't considered it fully. Now that you bring it to my attention... . At the time I just took her for a total <insert appropriate curse-word here>, but upon further consideration; what would a devoted Catholic mother do if she one day noticed that her son had inexplicably wound up with three sixes scared into his scalp?

I can't say for sure, but I'm willing to bet that the kid would be severely lucky to only have abandonment issues to deal with.



i want to know how mark ratted david out, i mean mark has been stuck in a vault for 15 hours and could not know anything about david and millie going to rome, so how did he rat him out?

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"



But mark told jackson about rome, so how did he get the information? they decided to go to rome AFTER mark was trapped in the vault. Did you not notice the reason a team was sent to the collosseum was because mark told them about the plane tickets, something which he should know nothing about.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"




but jackson spoke to mark, then knew where milly and david was going.

Straight after talking to mark, jackson said on the phone "The girls name's miller harris, she ordered a plane to rome 16 hours ago, and she didn't go alone." He obviously got that information from mark. I watched it with a rifftrack on, which is a funny commentary, and they were confused about that too. About how mark told them that information. He shouldn't know about the plane tickets as the decision was made after he was trapped in the vault.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


Funny, I like this movie, but can't really put my finger on why.

Despite the stiff acting, I found the effects well done and I liked the overall concept of the movie. I also liked the music they used - thought it was well done and added to the overall mood.

I find these "things I learned" threads amusing and some of the responses are funny and creative.
But really, people. It's fiction. It's not meant to make sense or even be logical - that's what makes it interesting. If you try and apply logic to a movie like this your head will explode.

But anyhow - rant on. I'm looking forward to more reasons because despite the fact that I like this movie, these are fun to read.


56. When you rob banks/teleport in a public location that has cameras. You never wear a mask and your face just happens to never been seen on camera ANYWHERE.

I mean come on, what bank vault doesn't have cameras? O_o

View my art:



58) When having lunch on top of the Spynx, always have a lawn chair, a cooler and some Jimmy John's handy.

59) The umbrella really was necessary, as it ALWAYS rains in London.

60) David telepathically knew Griffin's name; their names were never exchanged, they just knew, man.

61) Millie likes to be surprised when destination comes into play.

62) Millie hates the cold, yet still lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where it's cold nine months of the year.

63) Snow globes are, apparently, unbreakable.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."


by - thehomocidalsiamesekitte on Mon Sep 7 2007 01:27:18

57.leave pictures of the places you've been to with stacks of money surrounding them, so that the bad guys can find out where you went.

I've seen this type of response a couple of times in the thread... I took all the pics to mean that you couldn't jump to just anyplace "willy-nilly" ... You had to know what it looked like, either by personal experience or photograph. I took the photos as "future" jump sites... Having Roland know where you have been is no where as bad as knowing where you'll be...

That's how I saw it anyway.



#64 - millie will always recognise David, even if he's a totally different person.

#65 - Budwiser like to advertise

#66 - you can not use a door for years and therefore forget how to use it however, cars/ planes/ everything else require to get from ann arbour to rome the conventional way, you totally remember.

#67 - they couldn't possibly visit the colusseum the next day?


#68 - If your nickname in highschool has something to do with healthy, delicious foods that people who aren't severely allergic would enjoy eating--even if *only one* jerkwad moron ever refers to you by it--you're *still* a pathetic loser.

#69 - Paying attention in class makes you a "chump."

#70 - If your father enjoys drinking beer and watching TV, and ever inquires as to why you're so late that you missed the dinner he cooked for you, and also asks why you're sopping wet... he is *clearly* an abusive bastard.

#71 - "Polish chicks" want to give their "digits" to Anakin Skywalker. Preferably in fist-form and administered straight to his nose and/or jaw.

#72 - Jumpers teleport by literally ripping holes in the fabric of reality--it leaves "scars" and can adversely affect everything from the weather patterns, to TV networks broadcasting in the wrong states, to Big Ben going off half an hour early, to massive international crises in countries with broken economic systems, precious historical monuments, and war-torn areas alike. For the sake of all existence as we know it, I have no other recourse than to side with Mace Windu--each one of the Jumpers must be put down for his or her own good.

Oh, how I've missed these games. :)


#73 - When a shiny car jumps from one position to another in the middle of busy traffic, NOBODY notices, because presumably, all the other drivers look down to change the radio station at that exact moment ... each time.

#74 - Library books and ice water from a pond don't mix

#75 - Being teleported to a cave high in a mountain and being left there to most possibly die, apparently evokes the same emotion/facial reaction as when one just misses the bus. "Oh dagnag it ... oh well, I'll just wait for the next one"

The next sentence is false. The previous sentence is true


76. Griffin had no idea Millie would be taken by the Paladins.

77. Davids mother gives him a headstart cause she loves him.. but appearantly has to kill him if she ever catches up.

78. David is a rookie who had no clue.

79. Only God should have the power to be everywhere. The Paladins, though, should be allowed to have the power to follow the Jumpers everywhere.
"Yahemar! Of course we don't let him go!"


#75 - Being teleported to a cave high in a mountain and being left there to most possibly die, apparently evokes the same emotion/facial reaction as when one just misses the bus. "Oh dagnag it ... oh well, I'll just wait for the next one"

That's brilliant, I couldn't stop laughing.


@#75 LMAO I swear I laughed at that one for like 10 minutes straight lol

Now now not saying your ugly, im just saying your not pretty.


"#75 - Being teleported to a cave high in a mountain and being left there to most possibly die, apparently evokes the same emotion/facial reaction as when one just misses the bus. "Oh dagnag it ... oh well, I'll just wait for the next one"

LMFAO hahahahahaha, the best one yet by a mile!


@57. Well,to be fair its not like he knew he was being hunted for all those years I would have a similar type thing So hiding it was not an issue it just looked like a wall of pictures and postcards to me... Everything he did up until that point was not out of the ordinary up until the part samuel L was in his spot then he started making poor decisions.

The I noticed some people talking about his stacks of money in closets and such...If you had millions upon millions of stolen dollars with you where would YOU keep it?? The bank?? LOL no I would keep it IN MY WALLS like he did im pretty sure Samuel L had to break the wall down where he kept his money so like I said it was reasonable to do that IMO.

Also, Sometimes I read the bottom of posts and dont realize they're a Signature... Do you?


80. teleporting must be really good exercise. how else can a guy with no real job, that is so incredibly lazy he teleports 2 feet over on his couch just to reach the remote, not be an enormous fatass after 10 years of laziness and excessive gluttony?


81-Even though electrical workers and the like have to wear special clothes to disperse electricity, and you KNOW the Paladins are after you don't bother to get anything insulated (looking at you grif)

82-Rather then jumping into apartment rescue girl and leaving BIG bomb behind with a counter giving you a time limit on rescuing the girl its better to drop off the bomb at some national monument where it will destroy said monument

83- When your in a WAR its better to only have ONE bomb against HUNDREDS because you know your only ever going to need one

84-Rather then put surveillance 24/7 on all suspects/allies of jumpers its better to either kill them or lock them in a cell with no guards to catch jumpers should they try to visit

on a side note how did davy know where matt was,

85-The only way for the bad guys to know about your hometown is if you hand deliver your childhood nemesis to them, not because you have souvenirs all over your apartment

86-Banks don't have cameras nor do they record any serial numbers

87-your surfing buddys who appear to know you don't blink twice that you leave their sorry behinds behind while you go catch some mondo waves

88-when you've got a wormhole/scar opening machine its best to only have one

89- you should store your "new" knife in a clothe rather then a scabard
(the knife was of recent manufacture, I was hoping it was some medieval knife no such luck)

90-rather then everybody jump into lair and attack the jumpers its best if only the boss and one flunky go said flunky should jump back and not return after ensuring the boss made it

91-your "half" sister should be older then you look like a addict and live in a massive mansion in the middle of nowhere

92- When your childhood friend who you "thought" was dead or might not be dead shows up at the bar where you work, its better to just ignore them and THEN when you are "introduced" its best to continue working your shift rather then take a personal and catch up on life

93-Its impossible to be in banking because you flunked algebra 8 years ago because you know banking is all about solving for x and has NOTHING to do with interest or management or investing

94-you should never learn any other language, or any other information about yourself, such as hiring a PI to find your mom

95-When you see someone else pissing in the Colosseum after closing don't ask who they are or why they're there

95-When said stranger tells you your in a war and proceeds to kill someone and tell you to leave your girl friend alone if you want her to live its best NOT to jump far far away with her

96- rather then tell the love of your life your "secret" its best to hide it from her then rather then jump her to safty you should freak her out when you know the bad guys are about to get you

97- Even though you know about jump scars and have a pretty good knowledge about them (following grif) you should jump directly to the only safe place rather then make a detour

thats all folks



actually bank vaults dont have cameras all the cameras are on the outside of the vault most banks have wireless cams which would not work through 2 feet of steel


we will have to agree to disagree on that point as of the three vaults I've been in two had cameras

#98 Electricity is not conducted by WATER

Someday IMDB WILL make the signature a signature and not an ad hock ad on to the post


#99 You will risk your life and walk across frozen lake for a snowglobe.


@99. Kids have done dumber things like run into traffic for balls lost in play...

Also, Sometimes I read the bottom of posts and dont realize they're a Signature... Do you?


why would that bank vault need cameras? It was securely locked. No one could of got in, i'm sure the cameras would be outside the door making sure no one could break into the vault.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


100. To prove you are 'different', save the life of the man who tried to kill you, your dad and your girlfriend, but don't worry about his cronies blown up in the apartment or about the driver and passengers of a London bus left injured and lost in the middle of the desert.

101. Someone who falls hundreds of feet underwater and then gets pulled back up again doesn't get the bends.

102. Hot chicks will travel to Rome at five minutes' notice.

103. Hot chicks will drop them for you if you take them to Rome.

104. Don't teach a little boy ballet or he'll end up living like a hobo in a cave.

105. Washed up ballet-dancing kids who can teleport anywhere still have need of a quad bike.



lol at #1, nice one.. I just saw it too


106. When a 15 yr old Jumper, being a rookie you put cracks in the wall of new apartment when making a jump and you won't be evicted or asked to pay for damages.

107. You will have a one night stand with a chick in Paris and then as you two are asleep you wake up and jump away.

108. There is not a world news search for the two guys who just appear out of nowhere at places (such as the wave pool). The initial shock is there and then it is dropped.

109. They are down by 6 at the half.

110. Becoming a jumper won't get you to use it in a basketball game.


111. Despite having the ability to jump anywhere you can get a picture of and knowing that the paladins can follow you with a machine, you don't instantly think to find a picture of an active volcano and jump over the middle of it (so when they follow they'll drop straight into lava) and then jump to a safe location.

112. You don't use your ability to steal a weapon more powerful than a flame thrower, like a Saiga-12 Semi-Automatic Shotgun or an AK-47 Automatic Assault Rifle, or hell, even a M134 Multi-Barrel “Minigun”.

113. As a paladin your job is to kill jumpers, but instead of using conventional weapons like the above in 112, you use a stun-gun and a knife.

114. Despite there being a massive explosion/fireball in an apartment, the cops, ambulance, and fire department don't immediately arrive to contain the situation.


115. Even if you're years apart in age growing up you'll be the same age when you're adults.

116. If your friend who has been "dead" for eight years suddenly shows up at you work you probably won't care until he leaves again.

117. You will follow said friend anywhere without a moments hesitation.

118. Only god is allowed to be everywhere at once, but it's perfectly ok for paladins to kill people.

119. When you find out your co-worker has double crossed you and sabotaged your whole operation you won't tell anyone about it.

120. You're a better actor at 15 than as a grown up.

121. If you jump into a swimming pool it looks like someone made a big fart.

122. Tell your girfriend that you're a bankrobber, she probably won't mind.

123. If you have to leave your family behind because your kid turned out to be a jumper it's probably a good idea to have more kids. Because seriously, what are the odds?

124. You'll make your first jump at five years of age, and then nothing will happen
until you're 15.

125. If you ruin Star Wars Samuel L. Jackson will try to kill you.



120. You're a better actor at 15 than as a grown up.

Good one! 
