1 - If you're kinda dumpy looking, but want to make that leap from small town screen extra to Lead Actress, get inserted into the main coverage angle of a bar scene, and constantly look at the camera.
2 - If you're a 13 year old actor playing the "younger" version of a 20 year old actor, don't worry, they'll fix it using digital effects.
Two things about the stun gun. while maybe they could make it strong enough to kill a jumper it might take a LOT of energy since remember the one was stuck in the power lines and still did not die but only could not jump and two they wanted to use the knife. It was probaly had some special meaning and they would only use it to kill them. Everything else was just to disable them so they could move in for the kill.
first off they are called paladines not padalins and second off. because the nature of a jumpers ability there molecules are a constant flux or motion this is why there stun guns effect them because it slows them down to where they cant jump properly that being said because the nature of there abilities they have a restance against electricity
first off they are called paladines not padalins and second off. because the nature of a jumpers ability there molecules are a constant flux or motion this is why there stun guns effect them because it slows them down to where they cant jump properly that being said because the nature of there abilities they have a restance against electricity
First off, it is Paladins. A Paladine is "a fictional major deity from the Dragonlance fantasy series of novels and role playing games". Paladin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paladin This movie is mentioned there.
I know I'm late to the party but I just wanted to thank you for contributing so much to the conversation. I can't believe I read your whole response with the idea that you would eventually say something relevant. I was wrong.
5 - If you discover you have groovy super-human powers at the age of 13 you will waste the next seven years of your life using this power to go "sight seeing" (presumably to places you've already been by conventional means)
7 - When being chased by the bad guys your best course of action is to jump home scare the crap out of your dad, then go to the workplace of the girl you were in love with when you were 15 and are apparantly still in love with now leading said bad guys straight to them.
8 - Takeing a holiday to Rome with your best girl is such a great idea especially when the weird guy with the white hair is trying to kill you (hey maybe weird white hair guy gets a 2 for 1 special at Pallidin headquarters)
Note. number 2 on this list if i'm not mistaken the actor that played the younger version of David in this film was actually like 18 or 19 years old at the time not 13 although he looks very young.
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb" Edward Twilight
13) even though you have the ability to teleport anywhere, don't bother to arm yourself with any kind of weapon to save your girlfriend, even though you know your enemy is waiting for you, and you are outnumbered.
When the kid David jumps back to his room from the library, he looks outside and sees his dad talking to the police.
Also, his dad saw him after the police said that he probably drowned, seeing as he fell into the river in the daytime, and the cop went to his house at night.
Just watched the DVD- when he jumped for the first time after falling thru the ice and arrived home after leaving the Library,He walked in to his house and sees his Dad.He jumped again later when his dad tried to bust into his room when he had the door chained,and after going to leave the snowglobe on Millie's swing,jumped back to his room to see his Dad talking to the cops outside,as He'd "Disappeared"..
If Book was in Intelligence B4 finding God,does that mean He's a Shepherd Spy? (Thank You,Spike..)
Re: 1,000 Things I Learned From Jumper by - hannahxue on Sun Mar 1 2009 00:35:42 9) If a teenage boy falls into the icy river and is presumed dead, nobody will contact his father to tell him the bad news.
Yeah I learnt that one too and was also thinking wtf
Ohohooo I love "things i learned from" threads, especially when its about a fiction movie that i didnt really enjoy.
21. It doesn't matter that David is young, good-looking, rich and powerful. Out of all the hot, expensive foreign chicks he could get laid with, Millie will always be the one.
22. When you're hiding two feet away from a man who's trying to kill you and you spot a picture of your long-lost mother, you say out loud "Mom?"
23. Bella would totally ditch Edward Cullen if she knew what David could do (Kristen Stewart pun intended)
24. Taking a deep breath is the only way to relieve yourself from the dizziness of jumping.
25. When someone asks you for an explanation of what's going on, you just stay quiet and pant annoyingly until they shake the hell out of you.
26. The best way to repay the deeds of a guy who saved your life from two killers, let you stay in his room in refuge and attempted to help you kill Roland is by tying him to an electric wire in the middle of a war.
27. Jamie Bell should have played David. Period.
28. When you meet a guy you used to love who is supposed to have been dead for the past 8 years and didn't say anything to you in that bar, you immediately agree to go to Rome with him that very day, no questions asked.
29. After robbing millions of dollars from various banks, all you have to do to waylay your conscience is write corny "IOU" notes, which you keep in your apartment and never intend to honor .
30. There is nothing wrong with dropping some poor London bus driver in the middle of the Egyptian desert, or a random fruit seller in the middle of a warzone in Chechnya.
31. There is no better way to advance the plot of the movie than have the main characters drive a Mercedes around Tokyo for NO REASON.
30. There is nothing wrong with dropping some poor London bus driver in the middle of the Egyptian desert, or a random fruit seller in the middle of a warzone in Chechnya.
Let's not forget that the cab of that truck immediately gets run over and crushed by a tank. And I didn't see the fruit seller get out first.
The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.
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31. There is no better way to advance the plot of the movie than have the main characters drive a Mercedes around Tokyo for NO REASON.
That scene was stupid but there was a purpose. It's when David realized he could "jump" more than small object. Griffin told him about the guy who tried to move an entired building and died, but still managed to move it a little bit. Later on in the film, when he is saving Rachel Bilson, he moves the entire room, so it was relevant to the shytty film.
That said, after David electrocuted Griffin in the middle of the war, I wanted David to die.
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Apart from that purpose of knowing that he can jump more than small object, I think they also tried to give a "human dimension" covering quickly the family issue, but they did a terrible job at it. What was the point of that if you are going to mention it for only 5 seconds while the rest is packed with action? I think They tried so hard with the stunts and special effects that it feels that half way through the movie, someone suddenly remembered that it would be good having emotions by adding "moments" unevenly throughout the movie. It makes the story look terrible and cheap.
By the way, wouldn't a person notice if you had appeared or disappeared in a large crowd?
Would you, though? If I was all by myself in the middle of an empty field and suddenly there was a guy standing next to me, I'd be surprised - but even then, I'd assume that I somehow just failed to notice him walking over. In a large crowd - assuming you noticed him appear at all - you'd just assume the guy had stepped out from behind someone else. You might think you were distracted, or your eyes were playing tricks. And anyone who witnessed it on camera would assume it was a glitch. The human brain is good at rationalizing stuff.
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37. Being able to teleport yourself also gives you the ability to unlock chained gates (at the Colesseum) just because you teleported to the other side of the gate.
38. If you can teleport literally anywhere in the world and someone is trying to kill you, rather than teleport as far away from them as possible, go underground, and disappear for a while, you should go straight to your childhood home and get as many of your childhood friends involved as possible.
38b. Giving the bad guys leverage is always a good idea.
38c. Making that leverage "the one that got away" is always a good idea.
39. Any time someone in a film says something "is impossible", count on the main character doing it at least once.
40. If you star in any Star Wars vehicle, you'll get parts for the rest of your life no matter how bad your acting is. Unless you're Mark Hamill.
41. If you belong to a super-secret organization that hunts and kills people with superpowers, your loyalty to that organization is more important than your loyalty to your own family.
41b. Rather than teach your child how to use his powers and avoid being killed for reasons that are never fully explained, give him "a head start". It's more sporting.
42. Good effects don't make up for bad acting. Actually, I knew that already. I just like saying it.
43. General Sci-Fi Subrule. If you have a super-power, there is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS someone that knows EXACTLY how to counteract your super-power and generally wants to kill you. ALWAYS. (I mean, really? How the hell would they even catch the first jumper, since in the Middle Ages, electricity didn't exist? And they can...you know...TELEPORT. ANYWHERE.)
44. When writing any Hollywood script, your chances at getting it bought go up in direct proportion to how illogical it is.
38. Instead of killing the man who killed your father, intends to kill you, and attempted to kill your girlfriend, when you get the chance, its best to jump him to the grand canyon for a free exotic tour because 'you're different after all'.
39. Samuel Jackson can perfectly execute the blackest expressions known to the big screen (see the final scene of the movie...PRICELESS!! HAHAHA)
40. Jumpers carry around Men in Black memory wipe pen thingys that automatically wipe the memory of the hundreds of people that see them teleport around on busy streets and other densely crowded areas.
1,000 is a bit much imo..the movie wasn't great, but I doubt there would be enough (quality) points to even hit 100.
55. Jump a London Red bus into a random desert in order to kill your foe? With bus driver, passengers, et al and no explanation as to what happens to them? No problem.
101. Great concept? Admittedly. Pish-poorly executed? Definitely.
253. '1,000 Things I Learned From Jumper' a tall order? Never! Simply jump through the numbers! Griffin would be proud!
# 45 if you are a complete idiot ,then do not watch sci fi fantasy you will not get it and will have to make a number board to figure out how much you didn't understand /like it.