Worst Marvel film franchise?

Granted, the second film was a little better than the first (except if you ever read the comic), but I have never seen a series that was a bigger embarrassment for Marvel. These movies had a big budget, actors with fantastic acting pedigrees (save Jessica Alba), and amazing source material - All to be ruined with an inane screenplay, laughable dialog, bad acting, and poor and very misguided direction.

In your opinion is there a worse series (or single installment) of Marvel movies than this Razzie worthy franchise?

List them and tell me why/how they could be worse than these stinkers...


I'm assuming it takes more than one film to make a franchise, and reboots don't count.

Ghost Rider, easily.

Fantastic Four isn't especially terrible unless you count the Josh Trank 2015 disaster, but that's a reboot. Ghost Rider keeps the same star, so that isn't a reboot, and the inferior second movie kills it.



The first one was absolutely terrible, with that being said, if there were words in the English language that trumped "absolutely terrible" than that would describe the new one.

