Highly underrated.

I am shocked to see that both critics and users do not care for this film. Yes it suffers the same faulty features of the first film, such as Tim Story's direction and illogical dialogue, but it is fairly entertaining. It contains nicely done action sequences and a nice subplot with the whole altering powers. Many will disagree, but I thought, at least compared to the first, it's a very good picture.

R.I.P Chris Hemsworth's Career
Born: "Star Trek"
Died: "Thor"



I had to post, just to say to StarBored214:
Your signature has to be, like the single,most irritating thing I have ever read on IMDB, and that is saying a lot!!!
Born:Star Drek

But moviewise, you are right. It is an underrated film!!!
It is much better than the first.


Nah, it is what it is. Stupid, sometimes mildly entertaining.


dear OP, how can a movie that you describe this way:

Yes it suffers the same faulty features of the first film, such as Tim Story's direction and illogical dialogue, but it is fairly entertaining.

be "highly underrated"?




It was certainly better than the first one. It improved a lot. I wouldn't call it highly underrated though. It was just OK.

Esta es mi firma


I agree it's very highly underrated like it's older brother. I have both movies on blu ray and watch them at least twice a year - they're great for cheering one up.
