Liberal bias.

Anyone else notice the obvious liberal bias in the movie? Dobbs is supposed to be running as an independent, yet his most clear and memorable cracks are against Repubs/conservatives-

1. Tie to big oil.
2. No accountability.
3. Person won election who didn't get the higher popular vote.
4. 2 jokes vs. traditional marriage.
5. Joke vs. Intelligent Design.

Not that any of the above should be disallowed, but is it too much to ask to have at least an attempt at balance?


Liberal bias? Now THERE'S a surprise!

Billy the Kid


Do you honestly think every form of entertainment medium should be balanced?

That would make for a pretty bleak, boring world, if everyone shared your views.


i think the movie is reasonably balanced, and we tend to only pick up the half that applies to us.


I, too, am a fiscal conservative and I found the movie to be not offensive at all.
All this political correctness makes me ill, anyway.


reality has a liberal bias.


This movie sucks any way. There is your bias.


tohearns, you'll never get a balanced view from Hollywood Big Jew Levinson, "Comic Relief" Williams and "Little" Jew Lewis Black. I'll admit, this movie strained to stay in the middle so as to appeal more broadly. In their minds, this IS balanced.


Dobbs's beef with the Democrats is essentially that they aren't serious about advancing progressive/populist causes. His platform is, as I expected, the endless waltz of education, healthcare, and environmental issues. Keep throwing more money at these, and we're on our way to a better nation.

Here's the only issue on which "we" need to focus: stay the hell out of my life and don't try to make me part of any collective.


It's a FREAKIN' MOVIE; fiction; satire.

Get over yourself.

ps most animated films aren't real, either.


pps. If you actually believe 'intelligent design', well, your problems are WAY bigger than this movie.

lol x 5678567834568969

ppps; Is there a bigger oxymoron than 'intelligent design'? It's the most retarded, misguided, *wrong* idea ever spoken aloud.


Atheists are pathetic. I feel so sorry for them.


^ Do yourself (and the rest of the world) a huge favour and kill yourself, then. If you're so sure of some ridiculous 'higher power', they'll take care of you, won't they?


^ Don't waste your time - we don't give a sh*t about you....


The problem is that reality has a left-liberal bias....
