Liberal bias.

Anyone else notice the obvious liberal bias in the movie? Dobbs is supposed to be running as an independent, yet his most clear and memorable cracks are against Repubs/conservatives-

1. Tie to big oil.
2. No accountability.
3. Person won election who didn't get the higher popular vote.
4. 2 jokes vs. traditional marriage.
5. Joke vs. Intelligent Design.

Not that any of the above should be disallowed, but is it too much to ask to have at least an attempt at balance?


The last attempt to do a strictly conservative comedy show it was a disaster, even with the Fox News audience being the ones watching it. The Daily Show and Bill Maher do well because they are about comedy first, and than a political point. When Clinton was in office Maher & the Daily show took plenty of jabs at him and the dems. Now that the Republicans have caused so many problems and done so much BS that they are the logical target.


As a (hopefully) objective British passport holder now living permanently in Canada I thought this movie did a great job of identifying the many problems of the current (western?) political systems.

Mainly this relates to political lobbying, by interested parties with big money (be they liberal or conservative). The effect being to concentrate politician's minds on a few select interests/groups, at the expense of issues which, the 'people' feel, should be most adrressed by our politicians.

A valid point well made but in a humourous way. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this movie as much as I did. A comedy that became a thriller - with a serious point to make.


Funny that you find this movie, where an independent candidate that expresses his opposition to party bias, biased... Actually, I find your comment more telling than this movie. Anything that is at all political has to have an angle, and it is either democrat or republican. Even people in other political parties are seen as closet republicans or democrats.

As an aside, do you know how many independents we have serving on Capital Hill? Do you know where they are from, and what his/her/their stance(s) are on REAL issues (that excludes everything on your list)?


experienced somebody makes realistic and truthful statements,and you go out of your way to label them,give me a break,all the issues he addresses are true,and like all puppets,your country will suffer greatly for following these vultures like sheep,liberal bias,i think not,it is more like lack of freedom,it hurts to tell the truth,and most americans do not want to hear the plain truth,get a life



Sounds like you have some issues with the truth. I love how you're turning this into a rep vs. dem issue.
None of the things said about Reps or Dem's in this movie was wrong.
It was true, and it was scary.



Depends on what kind of a conservative you are. Not all conservatives are against gay marriage, and believe in intelligent design (which is, if you'll excuse me, an oxymoron).

As for accountability...that could be a jibe against politics in general, but sure, you can take that as a Republican joke....but my question is, why would you?


Since when does Hollywood not promote liberalism????


'Since when does Hollywood not promote liberalism????'

You type surprisingly well for someone who was, apparently, born yesterday.

Edit* sorry, I misread your post. I was very tired when I had replied.


who said an independent canidate had to be right in the middle?


I'm a conservative and although I wasn't offended by the movie, I thought it was a very poor film. It was just unrealistic and completely boring and unfunny. And, I'm the kind of person that will laugh at all kinds of humor. I think Robin Williams is very funny but he wasn't in this film. Now, I realize that this wasn't actually a comedy but his jokes didn't make me laugh and usually his jokes are great.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".

