if Bernard failed to do what he initially came back to do, why would he bother proceeding or making a alternate plan?
Since the message that he leaves on the TABLET tells HALE to REACH to her LEFT (for the GUN that Bern must have PLANTED there for her to use), perhaps Bern did SUCCEED in doing what he had planned.
And maybe KILLING WILLIAM's HOST is the reason why he didn't FAIL??? Because once you GET RID of WILLIAM and his HOST, then maybe most of the other problems that he faced can get fixed??? Or at least become much easier one's for him to be able to manage??
And maybe getting rid of HALE was also a part of BERN's PLAN???
So with the DEATHS of WILLIAM, his HOST, and HALE and her HOST body, what's left to stand in the way of whatever it is that BERN wants to accomplish???
Here's still another review where it claims the reason why WESTWORLD was created was "to give humanity a second chance at survival:"
The end of the episode shows Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) entering The Sublime (a world created exclusively for hosts to live away from humans) and recreating the entirety of the original Westworld theme park, where she plans to give humanity a second chance at survival. Although this scene hints at the possible resurrection of every character we've seen killed off (each one being recreated as a host within The Sublime), the bleak and somewhat convoluted nature of this ending seems to have polarized many fans online.
One of the most important implications from this finale is the possibility that everything we've seen up to this point is in fact part of one big loop — that this has all happened before, and Dolores (or another host) has simulated these events over and over again in order to give humanity a chance at survival. Indeed, Dolores' last line of the episode is "Maybe this time we'll set ourselves free," which could imply that there have been other simulations in the past. Some fans were extremely receptive to this potential twist and theorized that this could be a series finale that simply sets up the start of Season 1.
Who does she mean when she talks about "SETTING themselves FREE???"
Free from FORD??? From James Delos?? William??? Humanity in General??? Someone or something else???
Does "SETTING up the start of S1" mean we're going to see the YOUNGER version of WILLIAM arrive with LOGAN again on the WHITE TRAIN??? Only this time she won't be as receptive to him if he picks up the rolling can of MILK???
And IF she's also AWARE of what she's doing this time, WHY would she even want to do the same kind of LOOPS again???
QUOTES from Another article:
what Christina says at the end of the episode: "Sentient life on Earth has ended" -- hosts and humans left on Earth are goners, she adds -- "but some part of it might still be preserved. In another world. My world. There's time for one last game, a dangerous game, with the highest of stakes. Survival or extinction. This game ends where it began, in a world like a maze, that tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become .... Maybe this time, we'll set ourselves free."
talking about humans, Teddy adds, "They're not like us. Their codes are written in their cells, they'll never change." Christina replies, "We could still see." Teddy asks how, and she says, "One final test," a dangerous game of her own making.
Could Christina/Dolores now be designing a test for humans? A maze for them to navigate?
Bernard's message: "This world holds no more hope for us, but there's still hope for the next world. A test, run by her, if she chooses to. If you choose to give her that choice. You can't miss, reach with your left hand."
Chalores, out of bullets and backed into a corner, reaches and finds a gun -- one that the future-seeing Bernard left there for her. She uses it to shoot William. "I choose to give her the chance," Chalores says. "
Thus the PLAN that BERN had appears to have been completed (to get rid of WILLIAM, his HOST, HALE, and let DOLORES/CHRISTINA proceed with her plans for creating what she calls another "MAZE-like NEW WORLD)."
"This game ends where it began, in a WORLD LIKE A MAZE, that tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become ..."