Season 2 worth it?
saw first ep hated it. whats the verdict?
shareSucks, much worse than Season 1. Hard pass!
shareyes, more will be revealed. Shogun world is pretty cool.
shareI quite liked where season 1 ended.. and with no Hopkins I kinda quit the show...
shareIt's boring. Lots of people talking about their future in grassy fields or on cliffs, heads being cut off, horses, new areas but more of the same stuff - just people end up being killed, some flashbacks.
shareThe majority of episodes were boring and dull with few lead characters to root for, the show really needed good human leads to root for during season two, I didn’t enjoy watching robots kill humans all the time.
The lack of Anthony Hopkins was also noticeable, there were a couple of standout episodes but season two was nowhere near as good as season one, I really enjoyed the first season, but was completely bored by the second and hated its writing and character development, I’ve all but lost interest for season three.
Also hated 1st episode. But the rest of the season is pretty good.
shareThe problem with american television is - they don't know how to end shit. If Titanic was a TV show, if the ratings were good, they'd do season 2, post titanic sinking, because ratings matter more than storylines in the capitalist hollywood. The downside, when the planned storyline is finished, it's very obvious because the dialogues/scripts go to shit - second season of this show was a clear example of this.
shareNicely summed up.
Just binged the show over the past couple of weeks and getting through that second season was an absolute chore in the end. Don't think I've ever seen a show tank so quickly.
Going through the last few episodes reminded me of trying to stick with the Walking Dead a few years ago before I finally gave up on that. But this was only the second season! What was the point of continuing this only to have so much filler (the fort / shogun world / indian background entire episode with only two episodes to go!) so quickly?
I've seen about half of it and I'm finding it really dull and repetitive. I'm struggling to follow the story to be honest, and that could well be the fault of the show for not holding my interest enough to want to understand it. All I know is that I'm seeing Dolores or other characters and their crew, riding on horseback to some place in Westworld, and there's lots of dead bodies everywhere. That seems like a recurring scene at the moment.
Westworld, as in the film, is quite a simple premise - Robots in a theme park malfunctioning and turning on the human guests. We reached that point at the end of the first season, so now we're past that point it feels like a struggle to maintain the appeal. Maybe it could be written in such a way that it could be stretched out and work, but they haven't done that successfully here.
Season 1 and Season 2 were both amazing. I don't understand why people hate season 2 so much, sure there are a few slow parts but overall it is action packed and has a fantastic story. I had to watch it twice to understand it completely. I guess many people fell in love with the park in the first season but didn't like the robot's fighting back in the second. Which is many ways speaks volumes to the point the entire show was trying to get across.
Hopkins is in Season 2 quite a bit near the end, i guess many people gave up before then.