I don't understand all the complaints. Ok I didn't understood why Jake had to talk with an english accent,I thought it seemed so unnecessary, until I came here and got an explanation - he talks with an english accent in the videogame and his backround is unknown. THERE, explained. So drop it.
And I really dont understand all this ranting about them speaking english. Seriously? There are a million hollywoodmovies in which they speak english when it is totally unappropiate. Schindler's List, Gladiator, Luther, Joan of Arc, 300, Munich, Doktor Zjivago, Marie Antoinette etc etc.
Didn't hear anyone complain about those movies. So shut up for gods sake. If they would talk persian in the movie, you would totally complain about that instead. Speaking of that, I am so freakin tired of hollywood making bad, soulless remakes of every foreign movie. "But it's distracting to read the subtitles when you're watching a movie". Stupid americans.