The Gang Gets New Wheels!

I loved this episode so much! Everything was perfect. charlie beating the shit outta those kids, Dennis and his comments to that guy he bought the range from, oh my god. I love this show. It makes me so happy :D


Charlie and Mac destroying those kids was the funniest thing I've seen in months. I must have watched it ten times.


same here, i feel like watching it now actually.


The show was basically in peak form, just like the good old days. Dee's botched revenge. Frank's weird adventure. Divergent storylines all coming together in the end. The whole thing was on point.


can't wait for the next one. :)


I nearly died from laughing at them beating the crap out of those kids; I had to go back and watch it again from laughing so hard haha!


that was classic and Hilarious Sunny! LOL


Amazing episode. Probably end up being the best of the season. Classic Sunny.
