MovieChat Forums > 9 (2009) Discussion > Good storyline---------you r retarded to...

Good storyline---------you r retarded to think otherwise

The storyline in this movie was very solid. I dont understand how people can make so many negative comments on this aspect of the movie, especially about the scene at the end. Ok, so souls go up to 'heaven' and make rain.

Im also sick of people who complain that the movie lacks explanation. REALLY?! YOU want an explanation for a movie that starts off in a apocalyptic world with puppet robots ?! REALLY!? Seriously, if you can accept that fact, you should be able to stomach the rest of the movie without being pissed at all the unexplained scene/story elements.

In order to love this movie, you must simply open your mind to the idea that above all it is a creative piece of art. SIMPLY AS THAT.



People lack imagination and feel everything should be explained to them.

Those people are really annoying sometimes becauze they consider their unimaginitive comments(about everything not being explained) intelligent.


There is a difference in something being thought provoking and something being a mishmash of internally inconsistent ideas.

And I feel this film was more the latter than the former.

It's fine with me if you liked it and disagree, but here's a thing to consider. Most of the people here disagreeing with you are attacking the film. Many of you defending it are attacking the people who disliked it.

You have no idea if I lack imagination or not. But I thought this film was nice to look at but it had an inane story which, quite honestly, bored me. I don't think it was thought provoking or particularly imaginative. I've seen and read apocalyptic stories featuring some sort of homunculi before, but none which were as poorly done as this one, in my opinion.

I don't even remember the "rain" at the end of the film because I just wanted it to be over at that point. In fact, I may have already been leaving the theatre.



i cant believe so many people didn't understand this movie.

but then again, i guess that's what happens when we stop prioritizing education in this country. ultimately the end result is people who struggle with things that are designed to make them think.

i see a lot of you struggling, frustrated with the thought that you dont have the capacity to fully analyze what happened in an animated film. a lot of you are upset by that it seems. as so you should be.

just know that it isn't your fault. people in this country as so selfish that they have all but gutted our education system. most of the baby boomer generation seem content on the idea that their children absolutely, under no circumstances will outlive them, be more intelligent, or healthier than they were.

but there is something you can do about it...

it's never too late to go back to school. i realize that sounds trite but its true. take philosophy, literature, and at least some advanced algebra. thats all that's required to fix the problems you face. finally, know that no matter how much the elders of generation x gut this world, we will outlive them. no matter how hard they try to fight it, we will outlive them, as so will our children, and their children.

this world is ours, not theirs. at least for now anyway.

so educate yourself. its never too late.


Good Lord! What a stupid, self-righteous post!

Get over yourself already!


That's not the problem here, Funky_Homosapien.

While that is a problem in some cases, here, the issue is that the storyline is fundamentally rushed and under-developed, and the characters... well, they barely have any character. They're equally under-developed.

It's one thing for filmmakers to choose purposeful ambiguity and the intentional withholding of information from the audience. When done well, this can create a deep intimacy and personal connection with the film and the audience. But films like this are distinctively different. This film lacked development in almost every department when it came to storytelling, and everything felt rushed and weak as a result.

And I'm saying this as a fan of the film, and someone who appreciates the artistry and raw talent that went into its creation. It's a decent film. But not a good one for the sole reason that there was nothing to latch onto. The most jarring example is the characters... there's virtually nothing about them to make us care beyond the fact that we know they are supposed to be the main characters. 5's sole defining features are that he's friendly and has one eye. That's not enough to really define him as a character. 7 is female and a loner. That basically is her entire development. Again, not a fleshed-out character. Etc. The only character to actually have any character is 1, and it's very basic and cliched character development.

The storytelling is also very haphazard because of a lack of development. I just watched the film again yesterday (DVR'd it off of SyFy), and the transition from scene to scene was almost giving me whiplash, it was so rushed and had so little explanation.

You seem to suggest that any sort of explanation is to be frowned upon, but the truth is, there does need to be fundamental explanation for a piece of fiction to work. This film lacked that, sadly, and it took what could have been a perfect 10 out of 10 down to about a 6 out of 10 for me.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I agree with this although I could've gone beyond the lack of characters in the dolls, afterall they aren't really supposed to be different characters but all parts of a single person.

The only thing that I truly can't accept is the plot having no consistency. The scientist said that the machine needed a full soul and that's why he made the 9 dolls using his soul, leaving the world in their hands, kinda suggesting that they have to activate the machine by sacrificing themselves.

Yet instead we have in the ending all the chances for a decent sci-fi ending blown away (by having the dolls getting absorbed by the machine, completing it with the full soul so it can fulfill its original purpose and maybe restarting life on earth by scavanging dna or purifying the air from the gas and stuff like that), instead we have this kind of superstitious/religious message full of empty hopes toward an unknown future. Will the dolls be able to restart life on earth? The rain was filled with green-soul stuff, does that mean that they can simply restart life by dying? Is "The world is all dead, we incomplete pieces of a dude are the only things left, the world is our!" really supposed to be a hopeful message?


after the 4th viewing earlier i`m still of the mind this is superb.animation to rival pixar/dreamworks..a great story and...a very dark tale that shows not all animation is either toy story or shrek....10/10...


Your still young. Eventually you will find better stuff. Hopefully.


Exactly what I was thinking... :)
I'm twenty minutes into the film, and while yes, it's very pretty, it's also sort of vapid.
Though it is sort of novel to make me moan about sexism in a movie about post-apocalypse robot dolls, I'll have to admit. Didn't see that one coming.

Young padawan, for fast-paced, clever animated movies, I'd watch Coraline, Eldorado, Finding Nemo and The Emperor's New Groove.
For sci-fi, maybe Dark City or 13th Floor.
For Christopher Plummer, just about everything but this.


Ahhh nothing like the good ol' age bashing argument aye! If you're so old and wise how come you can't even tell the difference between 'your' and 'you're' huh? I think before bashing on someone's age just because they've enjoyed a movie that you didn't you should double check your spelling so you don't end up looking like an idiot.
All your mistakes aside, it is incredibly silly dismissing someone's opinion about a movie just because of their age. Everyone's got different preferences and tastes, and sure, in some cases age does play a big role (eg. a 10 year old wouldnt understand/enjoy Schindlers List) but this person is obviously not 10 and It doesn't matter with this movie. Of course there's better stuff out there! However just because this film doesn't deserve a 10 doesnt mean one should not be able to just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. Liking this film doesn't mean you've got a bad taste either, you can enjoy war movies while at the same time liking chick flicks, so it all comes down to variety.


And hopefully you will eventually learn that it is "you're."


I agree with you entire, but the fact that you said "your r retarded" makes me disregard any of your opinions. If you want to make a valid point it's hard to appreciate your opinion when you say things that juvenile.



The problem with this genre is that is relies too much on its reason for being is supposed by the author to be obvious, that everything has a reason in this pocket of the universe.

It doesn't.

I knew an artist in the late seventies who was liked to base his art on the apocalyptic visions that bounced around in his head. He wasn't very well read, and to tell the truth, he was a bit of a bumpkin. He was a great illustrator, but he was a bad story teller. And so it is with this movie. The idea that the great machine is a bad, bad thing is juvenile at best.

Let's look at the premise: a great scientist creates a wonderful machine that can produce more machines. Somehow, because a corrupt and evil leader takes control of it, that machine too becomes evil. This process in unexplained. In order to atone for the great sin of creation, the scientist somehow transfers with a latin phrase "Transmutata Vitae" and more mumbo jumbo, the essence of his psyche into rag robots. Of course, being the great mind that he has, he doesn't bother to explain to these little pieces of scrap why he did so.

This is a movie that will entertain young males between the ages of 11 and 17, certainly. It will not appeal to anyone with any level maturity who are looking for something with substance.


While I agree that you shouldn't have said essentially "If you do not agree with my opinion, you are retarded", I think that this film had degrees of messages that obviously a lot of people either don't, or can't be bothered to, understand. A lot of people posting here clearly are in this category. Making a comment that "You will dislike this movie when you gain a higher level of maturity" is a very biased statement and is really just a round about way of saying "my opinion = smart, if you disagree, you = dumb" Not everyone will like this movie, which is the same for ever other thing in existence to this date. Everything is not for everyone. Saying that it is either immature to dislike this film, that there is nothing to it, or that it lacks creative imagination would imply that you have a degree somewhere hanging on your wall decreeing that you are able to decide such things, and your opinion should be valued over ones own because you are the top on that subject. Which, I would like to point out, it is impossible to decide art for everyone, because art is in the eyes of the beholder...

My opinion on this film is as follows: I like it. It is for me, and is my kind of film. I find messages in it that others may not grasp, and may not have even been intended by the creators. But it's what I gather from it. It entertained me and I was in awe over the style and adv. creative power that went into creating it.


the storyline was good but the way they presented it seemed to rushed



Your premise, "Good storyline -------- you are retarded to think otherwise" is good.

The rest of your post is highly erroneous.


Before you insinuate that anybody is a retard you might want to learn the difference between you're and your. You r doesn't cut it so when in doubt, ask, don't presume.
