MovieChat Forums > 9 (2009) Discussion > When will people realise

When will people realise

That by giving a film a title such as this , it makes it really hard to track down on IMDB? The search engine throws up all sorts of ambiguities.

We, the users of IMDB deserve better.




I know what you're saying. It's not a "big deal" but it is a "small pain". When I went to Best Buy to tyr and buy the DVD the girl told me, "It's not out on DVD. I think it's still in theaters." That's when I realized she was thinking of NINE the musical. I had to explain I was talking abou the 'animated puppet movie'. Then you could see her light went on ...

- Uncle Dave


>That by giving a film a title such as this , it makes it really hard to track down on IMDB?

Type 9 in IMDB search box..... its the first link that comes up.

(I hope you havent got a career as a researcher!)


Perhaps the same time people realize "realize" is spelled with a Z?


Not everywhere it isn't.


it's ONLY spelled with a "Z" by americans, you clown!! The rest of the world spell it correctly, with a "S"


Actually, Americans are the only ones who spell it correct.

It's not, ree-uh-lice.

It's, ree-uh-lyz.

So to spell it how it is phonetically pronounced, it would be spelled, "realize". Thus, if there is a "right" way, it is the American way.


"....all sorts of ambiguities." ?!?!?!?

I selected the 9 I wanted and was brought right to the page


What bothers me is the musical Nine movie. That came out AFTER this one and when I talk about 9 - people think I am talking about the other. Um, no. Wouldn't waste my time.


I can't even find the movie on here at all. Does anyone have a link?



I was being sarcastic!! :P


"That by giving a film a title such as this , it makes it really hard to track down on IMDB? The search engine throws up all sorts of ambiguities."

Chances are that if you're on IMDB you're something of a movie fan....

...and you would know that, over the course of a few months last year, the following movies were released:

- DISTRICT 9, about aliens in South Africa.

- 9, an animated film.

- NINE, based on the Broadway musical.

Type "9" in the Search bar under Title and this is the first film that comes up.

I mean, where exactly is the "really hard" part in all of this??


ummmm all I had to do was type in 9, it showed up as the first one.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."
